Workshop teaches importance of business websites
By Shondiin Silversmith
Navajo Times
SHIPROCK, April 3, 2014

(Times photo - Shondiin Silversmith)
TOP: Google Product Manager Tom Wiltzius talks about get your place of business on Google maps to the participants in the "Build Your Website" workshop on March 28.
BOTTOM: Crystal Littleben, business student at Northern Arizona University, looks at the preview of her website for her blog "Exploring my Navajo Traditions." Littleben said she one day would like to open a business on the Navajo Nation and this workshop helped her learn how to develop her businesses website.
Setting up a website might sound intimidating but according to sponsors of the "Build Your Website" session at the Change Labs event held in Shiprock, it really isn't all that hard.
Two workshop sessions were led by DGTL/NVJO founder Victor Pascual and Google Product Manager Tom Wiltzius at Dine College on March 28.
They showed participants how to use a free development website called Square Space.
Pascual said he wanted to be a part of website development because that is what business is focused around.
DGTL/NVJO is a Native-owned, full-service design firm based out of Seattle and web design is one of the services it provides.
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