Diné artists are big winners at Ceremonial

By Ernie Bulow
Special to the Times

CHURCH ROCK, N.M., Aug. 11, 2011

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(Times photo - Leigh T. Jimmie)

TOP: This painting by Johnson Yazzie won the best of show award at the Gallup Inter-Tribal Indian Ceremonial. It is included in the arts and crafts exhibit at Red Rock Park in Church Rock, N.M.

BOTTOM: David Draper's "The Burgeoning of Changing Woman" won the best in class award for sculpture at the Gallup Inter-Tribal Indian Ceremonial.

Johnson Yazzie from Piñon, Ariz., was a nearly unanimous choice for the 90th Gallup Inter-Tribal Indian Ceremonial best in show award for his oil painting of deer dancers.

Yazzie won a first place, best of category, and best of class on the way to the big award, a first in the painting category.

It's a large painting demonstrating impeccable technique, but with a mystical feel. The front dancer is boldly in focus while the secondary figures are somewhat obscured by dust, adding to the dynamic quality.

Observers claimed they could hear the drums and the jangle of the bells on the dancers' legs.

As usual, Diné metal smiths took most of the jewelry awards. Vernon Haskie won kudos for his intricately inlaid bracelet, earning best of class. The piece involved two layers for the cuff element, which was inlaid on the top surface and the sides. The housing for the turquoise stone on top was also finely inlaid.

In the metal work category, a red- and yellow-gold necklace of fluted and textured beads by Al Joe took the class. Spaced among the other elements were barrel beads with different rug designs on them demonstrating tremendous technique.

Lyndon Tsosie won blue for a fully handmade necklace of coral beads. The reversible pendant included coral, Tahitian pearls and Lone Mountain turquoise.

Darrell Cadman won first place with a silver concho belt with turquoise. Lee Charley Jr. took blue with a coral and silver belt.

One of the most breathtaking pieces in the competition was a huge lidded box - more like a tureen - by Tommy Curtis. The piece was topped by a large butterfly carved by Leekya Deyuse more than 50 years ago. It was judged on the metal work alone.

The best in class weaving was a Big Thunder sandpainting tapestry by Helene Nez. The fine textile was woven entirely of naturally dyed churro wool and drew comparison with the early rugs of Hosteen Clah. The complex design took a truly high level of weaving skill.

Navajo artists also dominated the wood carving classifications. Diné carving is judged separately from the traditional katsinas and rising star Lawrence Jacquez won two best in category ribbons for his dominating Yei carving and a category called "Concepts in Cottonwood."

David Draper of Chinle, who started his art career as a painter, was highly decorated for his mystical carving "Burgeoning of Changing Woman," which represented a girl's traditional transition into womanhood. The tall, slender piece is decorated with butterflies, flowers and other motifs carved in relief and delicately painted. The piece had every element of artistic sensibility and went all the way to best in class.

Draper entered another carving of four women emerging from a single piece of wood. Each woman represented a cardinal direction, and a different tribe, clearly indicated by the designs on their robes. This sculpture, "Epic Songs to All My Relations," won the Elkus Family Memorial ribbon.

In stone sculpture the blue went to Tim Washburn for a multihued piece showing a horse-drawn wagon full of Diné with a boy on a horse, some sheep and goats and passing trees. The 3-foot-long piece was an amazing depiction of traditional life.

Another entry that got a lot of attention was a huge olla-shaped basket by Tessa Curtis, which won best of category honors.

Lorraine Black, who keeps reinventing Navajo basket weaving, won blue with a large storytelling basket honoring the code talkers. It depicted reservation scenes, followed by the induction of the Marines and finally the men in battle in the center.

Clothing as art has been gaining popularity as well as increased entries and expanding visions. Navajo designer Shayne Watson won first with a modification of traditional wear. The blouse features the raised welt designs and novel use of silver beads. It was most attractive.

The big winner in the category was a buckskin outfit based on traditional women's dress, but with powwow-style beaded decoration, including a tiara. The snow-white leather perfectly set off the colorful beading and the piece was a contender for best in show.

There were some nice sandpaintings entered, in both traditional and modern styles. There were also some nice folk-art pieces the audience always enjoys, such as Merle House's "Rat in Head Dress," a carving dressed in powwow regalia. A fetish-like "Longhorn" by Harold Davidson won a blue ribbon for its charm as well as execution.

While the juried arts competition drew fewer entries perhaps than the "old days," there is no decline in quality. This year's Ceremonial, which continues through Sunday, Aug. 14, at Red Rock State Park, still offers some of the very best contemporary Native arts and crafts to be found anywhere.

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