Election website got hits from around the world

By Bill Donovan
Special to the Times

WINDOW ROCK, Aug. 28, 2014

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The Navajo Election Administration's website that gave election results got hits from all over the world Tuesday night.

Kimmeth Yazzie, the election office's information technology technician, said the site got hits from places like South Africa, Singapore and Columbia.

By Wednesday morning, the site had registered 5,900 hits, a number that would have been higher if the election office had been able to get word out naming the site sooner.

The site wasn't announced until Monday and then only in Gallup newspapers, Yazzie said.

Except for a few glitches caused when rain caused electrical disruption at some of the chapters, everything went pretty smoothly, he said.

The final chapter results came in at 10:15 p.m., which is a great compared to the 70s, 80s and 90s when some chapter results would not be in until late Wednesday morning.

This is not a record, however. Eight years ago, the chapter results were in by 8:33 p.m.

"We are still trying to break that record," said Yazzie.

Because of the electrical storm problems, the election office is looking at doing a recount at a few of the chapters. The office may also have to do recounts at a couple of chapters or districts because of close votes, but these are done only if a losing candidate is willing to pay for it.

Anyone who wants to see the total results can go to the election office's website -- www.2014nnpe.navajo-nsn.gov -- but these are expected to change over the next few days as the office inspects challenged votes and adds those that met the voting criteria.

Any challenges to the vote total or grievances against any of the winning candidates can be filed up to five days after Sept. 5.

The two winning candidates in the primary for president have five days after the election is certified on Sept. 11 to name their running mates.

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