Election Office's Wauneka: OHA disqualification of Deschene hearsay
By Alastair Lee Bitsoi
Navajo Times
WINDOW ROCK, Oct. 9, 2014

Chris Deschene says he plans to appeals today's Office of Hearings and Appeals decision on Thursday in Window Rock. (Times photo - Donovan Quintero)
This is according to Edison Wauneka, executive director for the Navajo Election Adm
“Right now, its just hearsay until we get documents from the OHA,” said Wauneka in an interview with the Navajo Times.
“So, right now, people can still vote,” he added.
The number of people that have voted for Deschene during the 2014 Navajo Nation General Election, and whether their votes will count or not, is up to the Navajo Board of Election Supervisors, Wauneka noted.
He said that the election supervisors would meet for a special meeting to determine if the voters that casted votes in support of Deschene would be counted.
“They will be the ones to decide to take him off or whatever,” Wauneka added. “Voting is as usual as of today.”
The election supervisors are expected to convene in a special meeting in the next few days, stated Wauneka.
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