Navajo Times
Thursday, March 13, 2025

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RDC calls for climate action after meeting with Climate Change Program

By Marshall Baker
Navajo Times

PHOENIX – The Navajo Nation Climate Change Program presented an introductory and informative report regarding climate change issues to the Resources and Development Committee, prompting the delegates to call for legislative action.

The climate change program, under the Navajo Nation Department of Fish and Wildlife, staff hopes this report will provide the groundwork for future conversations and dialogue within departments to address these critical issues.

The report was presented by Nekai Eversole, a wildlife biologist and program lead, who outlined a variety of issues within the Navajo Nation, such as a worsening water situation, land degradation, overgrazing, and illegal trash dumping. Although the issues vary both by causes and effects, all are related to potential and current damage to the Navajo Nation’s lands.

“Our initial purpose was just to introduce what our goals are and gain support for these goals, and also potentially some guidance and perspectives,” said Eversole. With the program still in its infancy, Eversole hopes that this report will “open the conversation to our Council delegates about what we notice, what these issues are, and how we can come to solutions for them.”

To read the full article, please see the March 13, 2025, edition of the Navajo Times.

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Dewpoint: 18.0 F (-7.8 C)
Humidity: 25%
Wind: Southwest at 28.8 gusting to43.7 MPH (25 gusting to 38 KT)
Pressure: 29.66

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