Navajo Times
Wednesday, March 26, 2025

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Letters | Risk of deportation

Some of you know that I am a Republican, but I voted blue during the General Election to help make history by having a woman as president of the United States. It didn’t work out. Of course, there are parties always asking for money donations, even after the election.



KÓ SÓ: A journey of passion and tradition

Four friends from Chinle High School embarked on a journey that intertwines cultural heritage with modern fashion. Their shared dream was to create a clothing brand that not only represented their Diné roots but also resonated with the contemporary world. This dream gave birth to KÓ SÓ, a brand that translates to “fire star” in Diné Bizaad.

Readers' Picks from the Archives

2018: a year of schism

As political polarization continued on the national level this year, the scene was mirrored here on the Navajo Nation.




Window Rock Weather

Partly Cloudy

66.9 F (19.4 C)
Dewpoint: 18.0 F (-7.8 C)
Humidity: 15%
Wind: West at 16.1 gusting to27.6 MPH (14 gusting to 24 KT)
Pressure: 30.11

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TCRHCC completes community health assessment and needs survey

In a concerted effort to understand and address the public health needs of the Tuba City Service Area, the Tuba City Regional Health Care Corporation’s 2024 Community Health Assessment and Needs Survey has been completed. This survey yields significant data that will shape future health initiatives and programs.
