An evening with Miss Navajo, Clitso begins centennial celebration with her grandmother’s teachings, herbal remedies

An evening with Miss Navajo, Clitso begins centennial celebration with her grandmother’s teachings, herbal remedies

Miss Navajo Nation Valentina Clitso helped kick off a month-long series of cultural events hosted by the 25th Navajo Nation Council to celebrate its centennial.

The Council will honor past leaders, the history of the Council, and the Council Chamber.

An evening with Miss Navajo

Navajo Times | Holly James
Speaker Crystalyne Curley hands out healthy snacks to the audience outside the Council Chamber in Window Rock on July 7. Those in attendance listened to teachings from Miss Navajo Nation Valentina Clitso on herbal medicines.

The centennial celebration cultural night events will be held at the Navajo Nation Council Chamber every Friday in July. Miss Navajo began the first of four events on July 7, giving a presentation on traditional herbal medicine.

Upcoming presentations will include an arts and crafts demonstration by Diné College’s Navajo Culture Arts Program, cultural music and song and dance by Leey’ito’ Swingers, the Diné Nation Swingers, and a Navajo food demonstration by the Navajo Technical University Culinary Arts Program.

“Thank you to Miss Navajo for volunteering to share her knowledge. We want to honor Miss Navajo too for such a successful reign this year,” Speaker Crystalyne Curley said in her opening remarks. “For our children, for our youth, our grandmothers and grandfathers, enjoy this evening and the presentation.”

Read the full story in the July 13 edition of the Navajo Times.

About The Author

Holly James

Holly James is Kinyaa'áanii (the Towering House Clan) and born for Tódích’íi’nii (Bitter Water Clan). Her maternal grandfather is Kinłichíi’nii (Red House Clan), and her paternal grandfather is Honágháahnii (One-walks-around Clan). Ms. James was born in Tséhootsooí (Fort Defiance), Ariz., and grew up in Phoenix. She began her tenure with the Navajo Times as a freelancer, and a year ago, she moved from Nevada to Diné Bikéyah and became a full-time reporter. Her passion is sharing the light of her Diné People, the tenacity, pride, ingenuity, and resilience they show daily. She intends to enrich the hopes and aspirations of the Diné through the stories of contributions and hardships, survival, and culture revitalization.


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