Navajo Times
Thursday, March 6, 2025

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Remote Area Medical clinic

Gallup High School 1055 Rico Street, Gallup, NM, United States

GALLUP — Remote Area Medical will be offering a free, health care clinic at Gallup High School (1055 Rico St.) on March 15-16. The clinic will provide general medical exams, dental cleanings, extractions, eye exams, and prescription glasses made on site. The clinic is open to anyone in need with no insurance (no ID required). […]

Gummy candies cooking workshop

Children and Youth Library West Aztec Avenue 200, Gallup, NM, United States

GALLUP — Learn to make sweet treats with Chef Melvina Jones from the Navajo Technical University’s culinary arts program on Saturday, March 15, at the Children and Youth Library from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. Unleash your inner chef and learn to make gummy bear and worms. Information: 505-863-1291.

AIRCA judges, timers seminar

Begay's residence Twin Lakes, NM, United States

TWIN LAKES, N.M. — The All Indian Rodeo Cowboys Association Judges and Timers Seminar will be held Sunday, March 16, at Begay’s residence in Twin Lakes, New Mexico, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Host will be timer and judge coordinator, Vergie and Hank Begay. Hands-on seminar fee is $50. Information: 505-713-6698 or 505-809-7097.

Mediterranean food, nutrition class

Octavia Fellin Public Library Gallup, NM, United States

GALLUP — Join Octavia Fellin Public Library for a food and nutrition class on Monday, March 17, at the Main Library from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. The class will explore the flavorful cuisine of the Mediterranean and how its focus on fresh ingredients, healthy fats, and balanced meals can improve your well-being. Information: 505-863-1291.

Human rights commission meeting

Navajo Nation Human Rights Commission office 343 Highway 264, St. Michaels Professional Building 1, Suite 112, St. Michaels, AZ, United States

ST. MICHAELS, Ariz. - The Navajo Nation Human Rights Commission will have a regular meeting on Tuesday, March 18, at 10 a.m., at the NNHRC conference room, located in the Karigan Professional Building, Suite 111 (100 Mount Taylor Road, Highway 264) in St. Michaels, Arizona. Information: 928-871-7436 or

Chief celebrates 50 years in ministry

Phoenix Bible Church 6060 North 7th Avenue, Phoenix, United States

PHOENIX - Chief, a Native ministry group, will celebrate its 50th anniversary on March 18-19 at the Phoenix Bible Church (6060 N. 7th Ave.). Speakers will include former Navajo Nation Vice President Myron Lizer, recording artist Steve Green, and Will Graham, grandson of Rev. Billy Graham. First day will discuss the Chief history from 6-9 […]

Ramona Emerson book signing

Northern Arizona University, Cline Library Assembly Hall Flagstaff, United States

FLAGSTAFF — Join Diné writer and filmmaker, Ramona Emerson, on Wednesday, March 26, for a presentation and book signing of her books “Shutter” and “Exposure” at the Northern Arizona University, Cline Library Assembly Hall. Book signing begins at 6:30 p.m. to 7:15 p.m., followed by the presentation at 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Free book […]

Christian Bible Academy April classes

Christian Bible Academy 2724 E. Lakin Drive, No. 10, Flagstaff, AZ, United States

FLAGSTAFF — Christian Bible Academy (10240 Aurora Road) will host bible classes on April 7-11 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Textbooks, tuition, meals, and rooms are free. Certificates will be presented to students completing four semesters. Native students who attend all classes will receive a $100 reimbursement for transportation expenses. Information: Sunny, 408-849-8017 or […]

Rodeo De Rio Grande

Bernalillo County Sheriff's Posse Arena Albuquerque, NM, United States

ALBUQUERQUE - Rodeo De Rio Grande is Saturday, April 26, at the Bernalillo Sheriff’s Posse at 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. Entry fee (all events) is $100 with $200 added money for each event. Vehicle fee is $20. Entries open Monday, April 14, at 6 p.m., closing on Wednesday, April 16, at 9 p.m. Rodeo […]

Warrior Leadership Summit

Lake Williamson Retreat Center Carlinville, IL, United States

CARLINVILLE, Ill. — Navajo youth along with nearly 100 tribes will attend the annual Warrior Leadership Summit on June 30 to July 5 at the Lake Williamson Retreat Center. Youth will take part in discipleship, baptisms, and sports events. Sponsored by On Eagles Wings, a part of Hutchcraft Ministries. Information: Ron, 870-741-3300 or