Are Bigfoot, UFOs linked? Expo attendees think so

Navajo Times | Donovan Quintero
Sanostee Chapter President Frank Smith says this photograph, taken by Heather Coleman, shows a Bigfoot walking in Narbona Pass.
Franklin Vigil and his son Dory have been investigating both Bigfoot and UFO sightings on the Jicarilla Apache reservation for eight years, and have come to the conclusion the two are closely related.
Sightings of huge, dark forms in the sky that move at incredible speeds seem to occur in the same place and around the same time as sightings of tall, furry, apelike beings.

Navajo Times | Donovan Quintero
Franklin Vigil and his son Dory, both from the Jicarilla Apache Reservation, speak about the close relationship between Bigfoot and UFOs on Saturday at the 3rd annual Bigfoot Expo in Sanostee, N.M.
They’ve even noticed a triangular pattern, with sightings concentrated in the north, southeast and southwest portions of the reservation.
Dory Vigil has a theory: The yetis, although they definitely stand out here on earth, are way less conspicuous than the other kind of alien that tends to be spotted on the rez, which Franklin described as reptile-like.
“The aliens drop the bigfoots down to do their dirty work,” he postulated. “They pick them up later and drain their brain.”
The Vigils were among about 60 people who attended the third Bigfoot Expo here Saturday, the brainchild of Chapter President Frank Smith and health educator Kevin Valentine, who have a mutual interest in the hairy hominid. The expo was preceded by the annual Bigfoot Fun Run.
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