Navajo Times
Sunday, March 9, 2025

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Youth Valentine’s Day Writing Contest

Diné Youth-Fort Defiance multi-purpose room Fort Defiance, United States

FORT DEFIANCE - Diné Youth-Fort Defiance invites youth, ages 10-17, to participate in the Valentine’s Day Writing Contest with the theme “What does Valentine’s Day Mean to Me?” in the DY multi-purpose room. Prizes include the following: • Grand Prize: $25 dinner gift card and heart chocolate candy. • 1st Prize: $15 gift card and heart […]

St. Michaels Chapter meetings

St. Michaels Senior Center Saint Michaels, Maryland, United States

ST. MICHAELS, Ariz. - St. Michaels Chapter announces a planning meeting on Sunday, Feb. 9, at 1:30 p.m. A regular meeting is scheduled Sunday, Feb. 23, at 1:30 p.m. Meetings will take place at the St. Michaels Senior Center.

Kin Dah Łichí’í Chapter meetings

Kin Dah Łichí’í Chapter House Ganado, United States

KIN DAH ŁICHÍ’Í, Ariz. — Kin Dah Łichí’í Chapter announces the following meetings: • Feb. 10: Planning meeting, 10 a.m. Resolutions are due. • Feb. 12: Health Fair, 9 a.m. • Feb. 16: Regular meeting, 10 a.m. Need quorum of 25. Information: 928-755-3821.

Chichiltah-Jones Ranch School groundbreaking ceremony

Chichiltah-Jones Ranch School Vanderwagen, NM, United States

VANDERWAGEN, N.M. - Chichiltah-Jones Ranch Community School announces a groundbreaking ceremony on Wednesday, Feb. 12, for the construction of its new school building (831 Cousins Road, 30 miles south of Gallup) at 10:30 a.m. Community members and local leaders are invited to celebrate this momentous occasion. Information: Principal Ophelia Barber, 505-778-5574 or

Board of Election Supervisors meeting

Quality Inn Business Complex, Conference Room 107 Window Rock, AZ, United States

WINDOW ROCK - The Navajo Board of Election Supervisors will have a regular meeting on Thursday, Feb. 13, at 9 a.m., at the Quality Inn-Business Complex, Suite 107, in Window Rock. Information: 928-871-7270.

Human rights commission meeting

Navajo Nation Human Rights Commission office 343 Highway 264, St. Michaels Professional Building 1, Suite 112, St. Michaels, AZ, United States

ST. MICHAELS, Ariz. - The Navajo Nation Human Rights Commission will have a regular meeting on Thursday, Feb. 13, at 10 a.m., at the NNHRC conference room, located at the Karigan Professional Building, Suite 111 (100 Mount Taylor Road on Highway 264) in St. Michaels, Ariz. Information: 928-871-7436 or

Stress reduction clinics

Octavia Fellin Public Library Gallup, NM, United States

GALLUP — The Octavia Fellin Public Library will host Acudetox ear acupuncture clinics at the Main Library every Thursday from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. Treatment helps relieve stress, insomnia, anxiety, depression, and irritability. Both seed and needle treatments are available. Walk-ins are welcome. Information: 505-863-1291.

Shiprock Chapter meeting

Shiprock fairgrounds office Shiprock, NM, United States

SHIPROCK — Shiprock Chapter announces a regular in-person and virtual meeting on Thursday, Feb. 13, at 4:30 p.m. Chapter meetings will be held at the fairgrounds office until further notice. Email or call for an agenda at or 505-368-1081 or 505-635-0461.

Wellness center department closures

Tséhootsooí Medical Center Nihi Dine'é Bá Wellness Center Fort Defiance, AZ, United States

FORT DEFIANCE - Nihi Dine’é Bá Wellness Center, Wellness Department, will be closed for gym members on Saturday, Feb. 15, and Monday, Feb. 17, due to the Presidents Day holiday. Information: 928-729-8063.

Song and Dance schedule

Dine College - Tsaile Campus Tsaile, AZ, United States

Saturday, Feb. 15: Chinle Swinging Echoes — Vern Atsitty, Diné College, Tsaile, Arizona. Saturday, March 1: Chinle Valley Boys, Round Rock School, Round Rock, Arizona. Sunday, March 2: Central Navajo Wranglers — Eddie Jones, Tsaile School. Saturday, March 8: Central Navajo Wranglers — Eddie Jones, Page High School gym, Page, Arizona. Registration and grand entry […]