Letters | Put Nygren and Montoya on administrative leave

Put Nygren and Montoya on administrative leave

In a livestream interview on May 28, 2024, our Navajo Nation President Dr. Buu Nygren addressed allegations on him and his cabinet of sexual harassment.

First of all, Dr. Nygren does not understand sexual harassment. It involves a variety of behaviors and comes in all different forms of creating inappropriate and unwanted feelings, which may include humiliation and degradation.

Dr. Nygren read from a prepared statement on how he would address several issues on remedying hostile work environment by enacting a workplace violence policy in his office, requesting for the Navajo Nation Council to exercise legislative authority in changing policies, provide mandatory penalties, strong enforcement, revising the Navajo Nation Personnel Policies Manual, and lastly, to create a Board of Commission on workplace safety.

He then continued to directly victim shame Navajo Nation Vice President Richelle Montoya by stating that she requested for a salary increase and her lack of compliance in submitting her schedule and reports to his office.

What I witnessed in this press conference is the continued division and workplace violence between our two leaders.

As a registered Navajo Nation voter, I demand that Navajo Nation President Buu Nygren and Vice President Richelle Montoya both be placed on administrative leave until the investigation of sexual harassment is completed and the outcome is determined.

Michael J. Roy
Gadii’ahi’, N.M.


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