Navajo Times
Thursday, March 13, 2025

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‘Animal Art Works’ returns to benefit humane societies

‘Animal Art Works’ returns to benefit humane societies

Special to the Times


Courtesy photo
V.J. Yazzie, from Huerfano, New Mexico, is well-known among private collectors and academic arts and humanitarian colleagues for her strong Native narrative. She joins the exhibit for the first time. Her mixed media piece, “2nd World Family, Dolii K’é”, is painted on a topographical map of Navajoland. Dolii is Navajo for bluebird.

“Animal Art Works: The Return Exhibit” is set for Saturday, Feb. 10, from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. Sponsored by the Farmyard Project, the one-night exhibit and sale of animal themed art at the Farm Bistro (34 W. Main) is a benefit for two regional humane societies – For Pets’ Sake, based in Montezuma County, and Blackhat, based in Durango and the Navajo Nation.

The topic of all the art is animals, but the range of subject matter represents birds, insects, fish and even those that are extinct. “Last year we showed a portrait of an octopus,” says Sonja Horoshko, co-organizer of the show with Laurie Hall, owner of The Farm Bistro. “It sold. Salt Lake City artist, Dylan Close, was very surprised. So were we, and very happy for him.”

The call for entries went out to regional artists who have responded in a mix of styles and subject matter. Lara Branca will show three classic graphite studies from her master-of-fine-art portfolio. Venaya Yazzie’s, a Huerfano, New Mexico, artist well-known for her Native American narrative and complex, layered approach to technique will show “2nd World Family, Dolii K’é,” painted on a topographical map of Navajoland. The mix in the exhibition is startling, Horoshko said, noting, “It’s an inclusive approach that expands the audience appeal and really engages the buyers.”

“‘Magical’ is the best word I can think of to describe last year’s Animal Art Works show,” said Hall. “The quality of the artwork, the variety of styles, and the energy of the crowd were all fantastic! As I walked around the exhibit, I was drawn to a little watercolor of a horse. I had to have it! It was so much fun to buy it, hoping no one else wanted it as much as I did.”

The evening event is scheduled for two hours only, 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. Buyers may take their work with them that night when they leave. Organizers say the collapsed time allows people to attend and then stay downtown for dinner, music, a movie or show. The $10 event admission ticket can be applied to the purchase of artwork all priced between $80 and $200.

The sales benefit the humane societies while offering the artists 50 percent of the sale price, a standard professional commission. “In the end, the exhibit supports the artists as well as Blackhat and For Pets’ Sake,” said Horoshko.

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