Calling all tots!

Navajo Times | Ravonelle Yazzie Kyla Bitsie, Gallup Inter-Tribal Ceremonial Tiny Tot “Little Princess,” makes her way down the parade route in a pair of sunglasses on a hot Saturday afternoon during the Diné bi Eastern Fair in Crownpoint.
There may be no tiny tots pageant at the Gallup Inter-Tribal Indian Ceremonial this year unless some tots take a tiny step forward.
With the deadline to enter just a day away, “We only have one girl and one boy,” lamented Gallup City Councilwoman Fran Palochak, who’s in charge of the pageant this year. “If it’s not going to be a competition, we’re going to have to cancel.”

Navajo Times | File
The male winner of last year’s tiny tots pageant marches in the 2017 Ceremonial parade.
The event debuted last year to much acclaim with eight contestants, and Palochak was expecting more this year.
It is $25 to enter, but the boy and girl winners get “a beautiful crown, a beautiful sash, and a blanket with the Ceremonial logo on it,” Palochak said.
Plus, of course, giving their parents and grandparents a year’s worth of bragging rights.
The winning children will also be in the parade and grand entry to the dance performances.
To enter, tots must be 4 to 5 years of age, of Native American descent, have a talent, and be able to introduce themselves, preferably in their Native language.
Applications can be picked up at the Ceremonial office, or call Palochak at 505-879-6570 and she’ll email one to you.
The pageant will be Monday at 6 p.m. at the El Morro Theater.
The $5 admission charge is “well worth it,” promised Palochak.
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