‘The fear is real’, Sasquatch enthusiasts share stories, take on activities at Bigfoot Adventures

‘The fear is real’, Sasquatch enthusiasts share stories, take on activities at Bigfoot Adventures

By Cyrus Norcross
Special to the Times

Community members shared Bigfoot stories at Sanostee Chapter during the “Beautiful Mountain Bigfoot Adventures” event May 13.

‘The fear is real’, Sasquatch enthusiasts share stories, take on activities at Bigfoot Adventures

Special to the Times | Cyrus Norcross
The “Beautiful Mountain Bigfoot Adventures” kicks off with a 14-mile bike race on the backroads of Tsé’ Ałnáozt’i’í, N.M. May 13.

The Bigfoot Adventures has been on a hiatus since 2020, and its director, Frank Smith, is ecstatic to have the event happening again.

“We started in 2017, and after 2019 we haven’t hosted it until now,” Smith said, “I’ve counted around fifty people who have shown up and from all over the place.”
Farmers Market, Office of Diné Youth from Shiprock, Rotary Club of Durango, and Joe Williams sponsored the event.

Smith was inspired to start the event from the stories he had heard from community members and a petroglyph that shows Bigfoot in the Sanostee area.

“There’s a petroglyph with carvings of Bigfoot; one of them has six toes and is really furry,” Smith said. “That is what caught my interest, and with all the phone videos out there, we know he’s out there.”

Read the full story in the May 18 edition of the Navajo Times.


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