Blest by good company

Submitted Marlon White, a.k.a. Blest One, just released his third solo album, "Straight Outta Knowhere."
Blest One’s latest is a collaboration with Native rappers

Marlon White, a.k.a. Blest One, just released his third solo album, “Straight Outta Knowhere.”
Marlon White, also known as Blest One, of Phoenix, has recorded his third solo album “Straight Outta Knowhere,” which features well-known Native rappers such as Nataanii Means, AZ Chief, DJadez, and Casper Lomayesva and the 602 Band.
He’s timed the release ahead of a scheduled performance in Miami, Florida, with a release party scheduled for tomorrow (Friday) at Rip’s in Phoenix.
Blest One said the album is his coming-of-age album, revealing his life experiences and personal growth.
“It’s about the growth of a person, the mind, body, and spirituality,” said Blest One in an interview with the Times.
Blest One also said the album shows his growth as an artist, displaying his longevity and style after already releasing two albums.
“Straight Outta Knowhere” is receiving good reviews on social media as well as his performances. His most recent gig was at the Air Liner in downtown Los Angeles, California.
He recorded the album on his independent label, Best One Music. He is also looking to record and manage a few up-and-coming Native rappers on his label in the near future.
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