KÓ SÓ: A journey of passion and tradition

From left to right, Nathan Begay, Rajan K. Corum, Cuto Lowe, and Loren Phelps model their KÓ SÓ clothing on a mountain near Papago Park in Phoenix.
By Nicholas House
Navajo Times
TÓ ŁIZHIN, N.M. – Four friends from Chinle High School embarked on a journey that intertwines cultural heritage with modern fashion. Their shared dream was to create a clothing brand that not only represented their Diné roots but also resonated with the contemporary world. This dream gave birth to KÓ SÓ, a brand that translates to “fire star” in Diné Bizaad.
Nathan Begay, 24, is Táchii’nii and born for Mą’ii Deeshgiizhnii. His maternal grandfather is Kinyaa’áanii, and his paternal grandfather is Mą’ii Deeshgiizhnii. He is from Chinle.
Loren Phelps, 23, is Tł’ááshchí’í and born for ‘Áshįįhí. His maternal grandfather is Mą’ii Deeshgiizhnii and his paternal grandfather is Naakaii Dine’é. He is from Chinle.
Rajan K. Corum, 23, is Dziłghą́’á Dine’é and born for (Filipino) Nááts’ózí. His maternal grandfather is Tł’ááshchí’í and his paternal grandfather (Filipino) Nááts’ózí. He is from Low Mountain, Arizona.
Cuto Lowe, 20, is Táchii’nii and born for Honágháahnii. His maternal grandfather is Creek, and his paternal grandfather is Naakaii Dine’é. He is from Kayenta.
To read the full article, please see the Jan. 23, edition of the Navajo Times.