Navajo Times
Monday, March 17, 2025

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Education Briefs | Johnson earns bachelor’s in accounting


Stephanie Johnson, Edgewater Clan, born for Biligáana/Chippewa, earned a bachelor’s degree in accounting in December 2021 from Minnesota State University.

She is a graduate of Brainerd High in Brainerd, Minnesota.

She is a descendant of Chief Buffalo, an Ojibwe Chief. Her father’s grandmother was the granddaughter of Chief Buffalo, of the Loon Clan. He is buried on Madeline Island, on Lake Superior, just off shore from the Red Cliff Indian Reservation.

Stephanie is the daughter of Pauline (Teller)Johnson, from Chinle, who is Edgewater, born for Coyote Pass. Her father is Robert Johnson, an enrolled member of the Red Cliff Band of Lake Superior Chippewa.

Ganado’s Seaton Inducted into honor society

BATON ROUGE, La. – Cherish Seaton of Ganado, Arizona, was recently initiated into the Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi, the nation’s oldest and most selective all-discipline collegiate honor society.

Seaton was initiated at the University of New Mexico.

Seaton is among approximately 25,000 students, faculty, professional staff and alumni to be initiated into Phi Kappa Phi each year.

Membership is by invitation only and requires nomination and approval by a chapter. Only the top 10% of seniors and 7.5% of juniors are eligible for membership.

Heber’s Smith named to fall dean’s list at Baylor

WACO, Texas – Sidney Smith, from Heber, Arizona, was named to the fall dean’s list at Baylor University.

Smith is studying at Baylor’s College of Arts & Sciences.

More than 5,000 Baylor University students have been named to the Dean’s Academic Honor List for the summer and fall 2021 semesters.

Students honored on the Dean’s List earned a minimum semester grade-point average of 3.70 with no grade lower than a “C” while enrolled in at least 12 graded semester hours.

AZ reports increases in public school enrollment

FLAGSTAFF – The Arizona Department of Education announced the statewide public-school enrollment numbers from the 2021 and 2022 school year, which shows a large increase of over 20,000 students, or a 1.8% increase from the previous school year.

Winslow Unified District currently has 1,831 students, down from 1,837 students last year.

Flagstaff Unified School District has 9,094, which is up from 8,945 students and Prescott Unified District has 3,817, up from 3,812 students last year.

At the beginning of the pandemic last March, many families had pulled their children out of school for their safety. As the pandemics numbers are getting smaller, school staff, social workers, and counselors have been working around the clock to welcome kids back to in-person learning.

Arizona public schools have received more than $4 billion in federal relief to help students return to in-person class and normalcy.

NPC board seeks candidates for two districts

SHOW LOW, Ariz. – Northland Pioneer College is seeking candidates to represent Districts 2 and 5 on the Navajo County Community College District Governing Board.

District 2, covers all of the Navajo County portion of the Hopi Reservation, including the chapters and villages of Birdsprings, Dilkon, Greasewood, Indian Wells, Jeddito, Keams Canyon, Low Mountain, Oraibi, Polacca, Teesto, Toreva, Whitecone and most of Winslow.

District 5 includes White Mountain Apache communities in Navajo County including Canyon Day, Cedar Creek, Cibecue, Fort Apache, McNary, Sevenmile, Whiteriver and Lakeside and Pinetop.
Board members will serve a six-year term, beginning Jan. 1, 2023, through Dec. 31, 2029.

To qualify for the Nov. 8 general election ballot, you must submit a statement before collecting 65 signatures for District 2 and 69 for District 5 seats.

Deadline for nomination petitions and papers is July 11, 2022, at 5 p.m.


SJC’s Big Band teams up with dancers

FARMINGTON – San Juan College’Ss Big Band will team up with Mann Dance Academy and AnnMarie Dance Studio for a performance on Friday, March 25, at 7 p.m., in the Henderson Fine Arts Center Performance Hall.

Dancers will perform to the music of Bill Strayhorn, Earle Hagen, Louis Prima, Duke Ellington and others.

SJC’s Big Band will feature soloists Gary Leonhard (alto sax) and Kristin Arrington (trumpet).

Tickets are $8 for adults and $6 for students and seniors. Children under 12 years of age are free and SJC employees are free with their SJC ID.

Information: Dr. Teun Fetz, 505-566-3386.

Over $51K in scholarships for NPC students available for fall 2022

SHOW LOW, Ariz. – NPC Friends and Family, the nonprofit foundation that supports Northland Pioneer College, has an unprecedented number of scholarships, totaling more than $51,000, available to help NPC students who enroll for fall 2022.

Individual awards range from $500 to $3,000. Details and full application instructions, including the required cover letter and tips for writing a strong essay, can be found at, using NPC Friends and Family in the keyword line.

Applications will be accepted through Thursday, April 14, at noon (MST). No paper applications will be accepted and all applications must be submitted online per application instructions.

All students interested in applying for scholarships must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) at before submitting their applications. For more information about FAFSA, call 928-524-7418.

To learn more about NPC Friends and Family, contact Betsyann Wilson, 928-536-6245 or

NC3 National Signing Day

FARMINGTON – If you are you a first-time college freshman thinking about one of San Juan College’s career or technical education programs, join college and community partners for the NC3 National Signing Day on April 14 to celebrate your decision to enroll in the fall 2022 semester.

Students will ink their intentions during a special ceremony. All high school graduates, regardless of age, and students who have earned a high school equivalency or GED are invited.

Industry partners, local and community leaders and college deans and instructors will show support and parents, families and friends are encouraged to attend.

Register by March 25. Participants are eligible for scholarships provided by the San Juan College Foundation.


Two candidates wanted for community college district board

FLAGSTAFF, Ariz. – Two candidates are wanted for Coconino County Community College’s District 2 and 3. The positions serve a term of six years.

Requirements include being a registered voter of Arizona, residing in the district for at least one year immediately preceding the day of election, not be an employee of the district, and may not serve on another school district governing Board.


Indigenous teacher education program

TUCSON — The Indigenous Teacher Education Program at the University of Arizona is a bachelor’s degree program aimed at increasing the number of indigenous teachers serving indigenous students, schools, and communities.

Indigenous teacher candidates graduate as certified elementary or early childhood education teachers.

ITEP provides support including $1,700/month living stipend, dependent support, travel stipend to school sites, laptop, books, knowledge and certification exams, tuition covered through ATA, and first-year induction.

Email unofficial transcripts to Sara Knepper at

Information: 520-621-2809 or


Weather & Road Conditions

Window Rock Weather

Fair and Breezy

66.9 F (19.4 C)
Dewpoint: 5.0 F (-15.0 C)
Humidity: 8%
Wind: Southwest at 25.3 gusting to36.8 MPH (22 gusting to 32 KT)
Pressure: 29.99

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