Navajo Times
Monday, March 17, 2025

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First hill climbed, St. Michaels Head Start promoted

First hill climbed, St. Michaels Head Start promoted

Navajo Times | Donovan Quintero
St. Michaels Head Start graduate Nikolett Wilson wears her cap with “pretty as a princess” written on it Friday at the Fort Defiance Chapter House.


Navajo Times | Donovan Quintero
Mason Clark, 5, from St. Michaels, Arizona, holds his certificate of promotion Friday at the St. Michaels Head Start promotion ceremony at Fort Defiance Chapter House. Clark and 19 of his classmates were promoted.

Their first hill, perhaps one out of many more, is out of the way.

Twenty young students waited for their promotion ceremony to begin, seemingly unaware of what they had completed Friday afternoon at the Fort Defiance Chapter in front of smiling parents and family.

One of those students was Mason Clark, 5, from St. Michaels, whose mom, Latisha Clark, was taking pictures and screaming in celebration whenever his name was called.

“I hope he finishes school, graduates and goes on to college,” Clark said of her son.

Clark said she didn’t get a chance to go to college but wanted all three of her children not to stop after high school and to keep going.

“I wanted to go to school, but I put a stop to it to take care of my kids,” said the stay-at-home mom. “He makes me smile everyday.”

In addition to his promotion certificate, Mason also received an award for perfect attendance.

Navajo Times | Donovan Quintero
Parents and family watch the 2017 class of the St. Michaels Head Start during the promoting ceremony Friday in Fort Defiance.

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About The Author

Donovan Quintero

"Dii, Diné bi Naaltsoos wolyéhíígíí, ninaaltsoos át'é. Nihi cheii dóó nihi másání ádaaní: Nihi Diné Bizaad bił ninhi't'eelyá áádóó t'áá háadida nihizaad nihił ch'aawóle'lágo. Nihi bee haz'áanii at'é, nihisin at'é, nihi hózhǫ́ǫ́jí at'é, nihi 'ach'ą́ą́h naagééh at'é. Dilkǫǫho saad bee yájíłti', k'ídahoneezláo saad bee yájíłti', ą́ą́ chánahgo saad bee yájíłti', diits'a'go saad bee yájíłti', nabik'íyájíłti' baa yájíłti', bich'į' yájíłti', hach'į' yándaałti', diné k'ehgo bik'izhdiitįįh. This is the belief I do my best to follow when I am writing Diné-related stories and photographing our events, games and news. Ahxéhee', shik'éí dóó shidine'é." - Donovan Quintero, an award-winning Diné journalist, served as a photographer, reporter and as assistant editor of the Navajo Times until March 17, 2023.


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