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Law and Order public hearings

Tuba City Judicial District Tuba City, AZ, United States

WINDOW ROCK — The 25th Navajo Nation Council’s Law and Order Committee will host a series of public hearings pertaining to the confirmation of Chief Justice JoAnn Jayne.  Feb. 19: Tuba City Judicial District (240 Main St., Building 7173), 9 a.m. Feb. 20: Chinle District Court, 9 a.m. Feb. 21: Kayenta Public Safety Building/Correctional Facility […]

Whitehorse Lake Chapter meeting

Whitehorse Lake Chapter House Cuba, NM, United States

CUBA, N.M. — Whitehorse Lake Chapter (Sandspring and Rincon Marquez) announces a meeting on Wednesday, Feb. 19, at 10 a.m. Bring favorite dish for potluck.

Narcotics Anonymous meetings

Day Spring Baptist Church 1st Avenue 41, Thoreau, NM, United States

THOREAU, N.M. — Narcotics Anonymous meetings “We Do Recover” are held every Thursday from 7-8 p.m. at the Day Spring Baptist Church (41 First Ave.) in Thoreau. No dues or fees. Open to all who want to recover from addiction. Zoom attendance is available. For information, call Jared at 760-819-5637.

Food drive for veterans

Navajo Nation Veterans Memorial Park Window Rock, AZ, United States

WINDOW ROCK - The Diné Naazbaa Partnership is working to support Navajo veterans and their families by hosting a food drive on Saturday, Feb. 22, at the Navajo Nation Veterans Memorial Park from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. First 200 to arrive will receive a food box.

Drum making workshop

Children and Youth Library West Aztec Avenue 200, Gallup, NM, United States

GALLUP — Discover the art of drum making at the Children and Youth Library on Saturday, Feb. 22, at 2 p.m. In partnership with the City of Gallup Behavioral Health Department, this hands-on workshop will teach traditional techniques, including hide steaming and stretching, to craft your own drum. Advance registration is required at Materials […]

Intermountain Family Reunion Committee meeting

Quality Inn Window Rock, United States

WINDOW ROCK - The Intermountain Family Reunion Committee will meet Sunday, Feb. 23, at 10 a.m., at the Quality Inn restaurant in Window Rock. Former employees, alumni and families are invited.

San Juan Symphony classical performance

San Juan College Henderson Fine Arts Center Sunrise Pkwy, Farmington, NM, United States

FARMINGTON — The San Juan Symphony presents “What Music Is” bringing classical music and science together in a live performance with orchestra, projections, and narrator on Sunday, Feb. 23, at the Henderson Fine Arts Hall, located on the campus of San Juan College, at 3 p.m. For information and to purchase tickets, visit

Free Narcan training

Octavia Fellin Public Library Gallup, NM, United States

GALLUP — Join Octavia Fellin Public Library for a free community Narcan Training at the Main Library on Tuesday, Feb. 25, at 12 p.m. Presented by the City of Gallup Behavioral Health Department, this training will teach attendees how to use Narcan to respond effectively to opioid overdoses and will provide valuable resources with life-saving […]

Stress reduction clinic for seniors

Northside Senior Center Gallup, NM, United States

GALLUP — Northside Senior Center, in partnership with Octavia Fellin Public Library and City of Gallup Behavioral Health Department, invites senior center members to a stress reduction clinic using Acudetox on Thursday, Feb. 27, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Acupuncture treatment helps relieve stress, insomnia, anxiety, depression, and irritability. To become a member of […]

NPC high school art exhibit

Northland Pioneer College Talon Gallery Show Low, United States

SHOW LOW, Ariz. — High school students from Navajo and Apache counties, including homeschoolers, are invited to submit original artwork for the 39th Annual Juried High School Exhibit, sponsored by Northland Pioneer College. Artwork selected will be featured online at NPC’s Talon Gallery webpage from April 1 through May 10. Entries must be emailed to […]