Thursday, February 6, 2025

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Mothers of the Navajo Nation

Miss Navajo McKeon Dempsey

By McKeon Dempsey
Miss Navajo Nation

Yá’át’ééh ałtaał’áásiiłgóó, shik’éí dóó shidiné’é, shihastóí, shizáanii.

McKeon K. Dempsey dashijiní. Ádoone’é ígíí éí Kiiya’áanii Dine’é nishłí dóó Tsédeeshgiizhnii Dine’é bashíshchíín. Áádóó Tódích’íi’nii Dine’é éí dashicheii dóó Biih Bitoodnii Dine’é éí dahshinálí. Ákwót’áo Diné asdzání nishłi. Naabeehó Bich’eeke’ 2014‐2015 nishłí.

T’áátsoh biyi’ éí Amá Bééhánii. Amá hólóogo éí ayóo baa hózhóo łeh dóó ayóo haká’análwo’. Łahdah shíí nich’į’ hashké nidi éí binachį’ hwoł ééhósin dóó hana’nitin bits’áádóó hóló. Áko nimá baa’áhályá dóó bééhánii bisaad dóó be’iiná dóó bitsodilzinígíí nihá íínilaa. Hwónáásgóó éí bee choo’íi dooleeł dóó bee nitah yá’áhoot’ée dooleeł.

Hamá yájíłti’go hazhó’ó deiyísínóółts’áá’ áko ha’íídah baa nijigháago doo nanitł’ah dah dóó ayóo bóhóneedlíi dooleeł. Nimá dóó nimá yázhí dóó nimásání dóó ninálí asdzáán dóó háídah nimá hazlíí’ baa’áhołyá. T’áá’ákwííjí yił dahalne’ dóó atoo’ ła’ bá íílééh. Nizhónígo nahísóotá dóó bits’áádóó sin ła’ bóhooł’aah dóó tsodilzin dóó diné bizaad. Ákwót’áo shíí nizhónígo ní dóó nimá hinohná.

This year, I pray for good blessings to be placed upon our mothers of the Navajo Nation. May each one of us celebrate Mother’s Day with happiness, joy, and laughter as we cherish the life they have given us. Our mothers are sacred and strong human beings with great words of wisdom that they share with us each and every day, so please take care of your mothers. Show them how much you love them everyday by saying, “Ayóo anííníshní Shimá,” “I love you mom.”

Now, it with great happiness that I announce the winners of the 2015 Navajo Nation Mother of the Year. Grand prize winner is Freida Salmon, mother of Faith Salmon; 1st runner-up is Beverly Mix, mother of Chenoa Begaye; 2nd runner-up is Emily McBride, mother of Ethan Denetso; 3rd runner-up is Latisha Livingston, mother of Niah Benally; and 4th runner-up is Sophian James, mother of Elliott Brown.

All of the participants have made their mothers very proud and have earned their mother a lovely dinner on Mother’s Day, May 10.

Thank you to everyone who participated and I wish everyone a Happy Mother’s Day.


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Window Rock Weather


55.9 F (13.3 C)
Dewpoint: 7.0 F (-13.9 C)
Humidity: 14%
Wind: Southwest at 13.8 MPH (12 KT)
Pressure: 30.15

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