Navajo Times
Monday, March 17, 2025

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Letters: $5 million for each chapter

Letters: $5 million for each chapter

I’m writing this letter for all of my people on the Diné Nation. How long are we going to wait? We have been promised this and that.

During the summer we have parades all over the reservation. We get only candy and hear campaigns. The same old promise(s) of we’re going to help our children go to college, our veterans need homes, and our elderly need help. Only about 10 percent get help.

During the Shirley administration, their term was about power in the office. One thing he made sure was that Diné Nation got more power in the government.

During Shelly’s term it was about money, misuse of money, and about the speaker. They got the speaker to step down at the end of their term. Throughout all the 12 years the elderly, veterans, and our children were put aside. We are tired of broken promises.

Recently, a five-year plan was put in place by the Begaye and Nez administration. Another five years waiting. So my people, all of you that are living in border towns like Salt Lake City, Denver, Phoenix, Los Angeles, and Albuquerque, there’s more of you living away from the reservation. You are the forgotten people, including me, and there’s more on the rez.

About a year ago, I asked my councilmen from Indian Wells, to put in a request for me. I asked for little money and said we have $554 million dollars hanging in Window Rock, and said at least get me a few dollars. But some officials said no, because the previous administration misused the money. I told another councilman from the Western Agency and he said, “They’re using that excuse not to let you have it.”

So now my people, we have more say about this money than Window Rock, because Elouise Cobell got this money for the forgotten people. Let people vote $5 million dollars for each chapter, so we won’t have to depend on Window Rock administration. We are going to decide on how we’re going to use this money at the chapter level. We can use $1 million a year and don’t have to wait to get help.

The chapter officials should know their people in need. If your chapter officials have other jobs they need to step down. From the president all the way to the chapter officials, remember you are working for your people 24/7. A councilman for the Eastern Agency said that he wanted 15 people to start a meeting, a chapter meeting. But now it’s about 25 people so we need 25 people to vote $5 million for each chapter. I hope the $554 million is still in Window Rock. If not, we’ll find out where it went. We’ll get it back.

So now my people, talk about this at home, work, chapter house, etc. If any councilmen should be against us, remember, they are not with us. If we do this, no more money going to Window Rock for nothing. They even have papers saying “no money” on their doors.

We can get help at our own chapter house and get help by phone. You need census number, Social Security number and birth certificate. Your local Indian center will help you. If someone asks you who said this, tell them Richard said it’s for the people.

Richard Peterson
Indian Wells, Ariz.

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Dewpoint: 16.0 F (-8.9 C)
Humidity: 18%
Wind: West at 10.4 gusting to23.0 MPH (9 gusting to 20 KT)
Pressure: 30.16

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