Letters: Native people need to unite to combat sexual and domestic violence crimes

The tragic assault and murder of a young girl is a great sadness. As a sexual assault nurse examiner, I know this is only the tip of an iceberg of suffering on tribal lands. Precise numbers are not available but across the Navajo Nation, law enforcement officers take reports of rapes everyday. They receive 4,000 calls a year for domestic violence. These are only the reported cases.
The crime of sexual violence is done to shame the victim and have power and control over them. Sexual violence is a problem around the world but its effects are worst on communities of poverty. Some sexual violence is done by outsiders, to shame and feel power over native people but patterns of violence and trauma echo through native communities. Patterns of harsh treatment in boarding schools are perpetuated in Navajo Housing Authority’s policy of automatic eviction of victims of domestic violence since a crime was committed in their home.
Many adults living on the Navajo Nation have been victims of sexual violence. They have tried to put it out of their minds and go on with their lives but the pain burns pathways in the brain. Without healing, sights, touch, sounds, smells, and taste are triggered and bring the pain back.
A relative might find it so hard to hear about the assault of a family member they will say, “That’s the way it is here” or “Get used to it.”
To stop this pain, we must begin by listening, believing, and taking seriously what the victim is saying. Start by Believing. T’áá’áaníí ani Yíísíníłts’ąą’.
Sexual violence is not necessary. It can be reduced and then eliminated. The Navajo Task Force of the Navajo Apache Hopi Zuni Coalition Against Sexual Assault and Family Violence recommends the following actions:
- A division of sex crimes be developed and staffed at each district.
- The Navajo Department of Health establish a Sexual Assault Response Team to follow all reports of sexual assault and ensure their investigation and prosecution.
- Each person employed on the Navajo Nation needs to look into their heart and make a plan to heal their own pain so they can do their jobs strongly and with courage.
- The Navajo Nation delegates and leaders are commended for taking this issue seriously and establishing a Sexual Assault Prevention Subcommittee.
Rosemary Bolza
Fort Defiance, Ariz.
Barking up the wrong tree?
It’s beginning to be an almost daily news about the Navajo people’s horrible state of lifestyle. Every age group is being affected by the world’s evilness at an alarming pace. The wickedness behavior, where does it come from?
Our leaders are throwing lots of money at the uncontainable monster and asking for more money. On top of that, plastering human wisdom on problems facing the people. Realistically, it’s a losing battle. Alcoholism and other killers are increasing.
Some people are asking, how long is this going to last? What’s the real answer? And our leaders we read about in the papers are trying to find the answers.
My elementary evaluation – they have not looked far enough or they do not want to hear about the other side, that’s the spiritual side. Please, human wisdom will not fix the people’s nightmares (problems). Secular professionals are trying to re-program the mind, it will never happen. Perhaps brainwash, but the people become zombies.
Now, here is what God says about the human race. People who do not want to listen to God’s instruction. He gave them over to depravity. This is the result of leaving God out of our daily affairs, filled with unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness, covetousness, full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil-mindedness, violent, proud, disobedient to parents, haters of God and many more. Then it goes on to say, those who practice such things are deserving of death.
Another description of a human being is getting away from God. There is none righteous, there is none who understands, none who seeks after God and ending with, there is no fear of God before their eyes. So, shall we say, we are barking up the wrong tree?
Ladies and gentlemen, we are in deep trouble with God. We need to recognize we are sinful creatures and need to repent in asking God for forgiveness then invite Him into your heart.
Now, you want an answer, this is the only true answer.
Milt Shirleson
Window Rock, Ariz.
Not a fan of former sheriff
My name is Kee Watchman and I am writing to you all, the people, regarding the story on the indication of Brian Hounshell running for sheriff once again.
I urge you voters to not consider him as an asset to the people due to his past decisions he made representing the county of Apache.
We all know everyone makes mistakes, but when someone does this on a regular basis it is anecdotal and possibly onus.
I understand he was a valuable contributing member to the court system concerning the three major cases that had been in the cold case files that was elucidated. I was there in the county as an inmate at the time, perceiving what was unfolding and realizing how he was solving them using tactics that were unethical.
His former associate Michael Whiting who is the district attorney for the county of Apache seemed to react impetuously on the behalf of Hounshell against me due to our past history in 2004-2005.
I didn’t know of Hounshell being in office once more until I found out that he was the chief investigator for the county attorney’s office in 2011. After that I fought my case from 20 or so years down to six years. This all happened because I told the court of my situation and they were going to impose a change of venue, until they came at me with another plea. I know Michael Whiting wanted to put an end to all the possible revelations deeming my controversy toward his comrade.
Therefore, I was subject to be slated in a legal manner, but I still tussled back and showed them I wasn’t going to be intimidated. So far I tolerated enough in the prison system and emphasize I am doing time for something I didn’t do.
If you as voters shall vote for him, you will all rapidly plummet with him in his poor choices and sequels. He and his cronies are all non-essential creatures that are contriving something.
As for the past that Hounshell and I share I feel that I am one of those anti-Hounshell forces that still watch to see what he is up to next, and I will not sit and vision him manipulating Diné elders to gain votes like he did when he used me in the same method during his last campaign.
So consider my story as leverage to re-examine your commendable theories about him and do what’s right. That’s if he does announce his submission on June 1.
Kee Watchman
Safford, Ariz.
(Hometown: Window Rock, Ariz.)
(Editor’s note: Brian Hounshell has since decided not to run for office.)
Witnesses unqualified in court proceeding
My name is Vernal R. Joe, from Dennehotso, Ariz. I am sincerely submitting this information on Vernal Joe’s criminal proceedings in the Navajo Nation District Court in Kayenta, to you as the editor.
The Navajo people throughout the Navajo Nation has to be informed that during the criminal proceedings for Vernal Joe in the Navajo Nation District Court in Kayenta, the Navajo Nation District Court ordered that all police officers and all criminal investigators with the Navajo Department of Law Enforcement are all unqualified witnesses in all criminal proceedings in the Navajo Nation District Court in Kayenta.
The Navajo people have to be informed during Vernal Joe’s criminal proceedings in the Navajo Nation District Court in Kayenta, the Navajo Nation District Court ordered that Honorable Herb Yazzie is an unqualified Navajo Nation chief justice.
Since Dec. 9, 2015, Vernal Joe has been sending the enclosed information on Vernal Joe’s criminal proceedings to Honorable Navajo Nation President Russell Begaye and Honorable Navajo Nation Vice President Jonathan Nez, but the Navajo Nation president and the Navajo Nation vice president never defended the Navajo Department of Public Safety of Kayenta, and never defended the former Honorable Navajo Nation Chief Justice Herb Yazzie from the information that is enclosed in Vernal Joe’s criminal proceedings from the Navajo Nation District Court in Kayenta.
Vernal R. Joe
Dennehotso, Ariz.