Letters to Santa 2015

Children in Ms. Harrison’s 4th grade class at Many Farms Elementary School wrote the following letters to Santa.
Dear Santa Claus,
Hi, my name is Shandiin Gianna Tso. My favorite color is red, green and blue. My favorite animals are kittens, hamsters and baby ducks. I am 10 years old. I live in Round Rock. I go to school at Many Farms public school.
I would love my auntie to come back from Alaska. I would want to get a new bike, cooking set, tablet, laptop, and a baby kitten. I would want my family to come back for Christmas. I want this Christmas to be perfect. I would want to get a game, and an iPhone. I would love to have a bracelet maker. I would want a little puppy.
What is your favorite color? What are your favorite cookies? What is your favorite game? How are you doing? Where do you get your gifts? What are the names of the reindeers? What’s your favorite drink?
Shandiin Gianna Tso
Dear Santa Claus,
My name is Myia Begay. I am 9 years old. I am from Many Farms. I go to school at Many Farms public school. My favorite colors are black, blue, purple, and hot pink. I’m doing good in school. I love to do reading and to read chapter books. My favorite animal is a zebra and a cheetah. I love Christmas. It’s my favorite holiday.
For Christmas I want a laptop, snow boots, some new supplies and clothes. I would want a new big trampoline. I want a new little puppy, a watch, a blanket that is “Frozen” and a black iPad. On Christmas, I want my uncle to get out of prison. Then I would want a big 3DS.
How do you make your own reindeer fly? Are your favorite colors red and green? Who is your favorite reindeer at the North Pole? What kind of cookies do you like? Do you have a real mustache? Can you go down a chimney? Are your reindeer real?
Myia Begay
Dear Santa Claus,
Hello. Santa you probably know me and you have a list of names of who is good or bad. I’m a girl. I’m 9 years old and I live in Many Farms. I’m a 4th grader. I take care of my little brother. He’s barely 1 year old. I hope you get something for him.
If you are real, my chei said you can come up our chimney. I go to school at Many Farms public school.
I hope I’m on the nice list so you can tell your elves to make me a present. Anyway I love dogs. I want a trampoline so I could jump high. I want a husky for Christmas. I want to have an iPod and a laptop that can be replaceable. I want my family to get together and have a feast. I want my dad to come home to have a feast with us.
Why do you like red? Who does your sleigh? How many cookies do you eat in just one night? How do look? Is red really your favorite color? How old are you? How does it look in North Pole?
Have a wonderful Christmas.
Lekira Begay
Dear Kris Kringle,
Hi my name is Randelena Curley. I am 9 years old and I am a girl. My favorite color is red. My favorite animal is a rabbit. I have 8 sisters and 8 brothers. My favorite book is “Bad Cat Gets a Bath.”
For Christmas, I want a blue case for my phone. I also want a new bag that is pink and that lights up. I wish to get an iPod for my brother who is in the Army. My family wants a new house and a new car for Christmas. I want my family to have a good time on Christmas.
What is your favorite color? Who is your favorite reindeer? What is your favorite ice cream? What is your favorite place? Why do you like Christmas? What are your favorite cookies? Who is on the naughty list?
Randelena Curley
Dear Kris Kringle,
My name is Cormarco Maze. My age is 9 years old. I’m a boy and I like reindeer, bulls, elk, wolves, and tigers. My favorite food is pizza, turkey legs, white tail deer, and cookies. My favorite holiday is Christmas and Thanksgiving.
I want these for my gifts. I want an Oblivion IV game and ICP wallpaper and music. I want an iPad and a helicopter toy. My gift to my heart is I want my mom to come home from the military safely and I want my dad to come home from the hospital so he can spend time with me.
Kris Kringle, how do you make your reindeer fly? Do you use magic or magic dust? Do you have a son? Do you have a real elf? You made the coolest holiday. How do you decorate the gifts and what do you eat? How do you decorate the North Pole? What does your reindeer eat and drink?
Cormarco Maze
Dear Santa,
My name is Ila Sells and I am a girl. I am 9 years old and my favorite foods are oranges, apples, pie, cookies, bananas, strawberries, and blueberries. I live in Many Farms, West Mesa Housing. I am in fourth grade.
I always help my family. I spend time with my parents and take care of my little sister at home. I help my dad with the hay. I make cookies with my mom.
I want for Christmas is an iPhone 6, flats and a bracelet. The thing I want the most is a tablet because you can download games that are free. I would like to build a snowman and watch a movie called “Frozen” on a lovely Christmas day. I’d like to have a cool Christmas and my family to have fun. All I want for Christmas are flats, a scarf, a coat, zebra striped gloves, a beanie, black boots and skinny jeans.
How can you survive the North Pole and what does the North Pole look like? Do you really help our parents wrap the gifts up? Where do reindeer and elves come from?
Ila Sells
Dear Santa Cauls
My name is Coby Etsitty. I am 9 years old and I am a boy. My favorite color is blue. My favorite animal is a horse. I have three brothers and one sister. My favorite book is “The dog that Saved Christmas.” My favorite movie is “Home Alone.” My favorite store is 7-Eleven.
For Christmas I wish I could have a hat, new boots and a phone. I wish I could have a new dog, a black school bag and new books. I wish I could have a bike.
Santa you are cool because you get to fly with the reindeer. Santa you are cool because you have fun with the reindeer.
Santa who is your best friend? Santa can you ride the reindeer? Santa when do you give everybody presents? Santa what is your favorite color?
Have a cool Christmas.
Many thanks,
Coby Etsitty
Dear Saint Nicholas,
My name is Connor Wilson. I am 9 years old. I have glasses. I live in Many Farms. I am a good boy. I like the colors red and green. I think you are real.
What I want for Christmas are the Lego Nindroid Mech Dragon, The Battle for Ninjago City and Kal Fither sets.
My grandma and grandpa are far away and my uncle and aunt are in another town. I want them to come back for Christmas.
Who is your favorite reindeer? What is your favorite flavor of candy cane? Who are your friends? What colors do you like? How many elves do you have? How many gifts can fit in your sack? Are you fast?
Thank you,
Connor Wilson
Dear Santa,
My name is Tyrone Joe Yazzie. I’m 9 years old. I have glasses and I live in Many Farms. I am a nice boy. I like school. I think you’re real. I like the color blue.
I would love if my mom would come back to Many Farms. I want a “Navy Seals” book, a scary book, Nike shoes, a “Navy Seals” video game, a “Minecraft” video game, a Nerf Zombie Strike, an Xbox One, “Call of Duty Ghost,” and I want my family to get all together.
What is your favorite color? Where do you get your gifts? Where do you live? What are the names of all your reindeer? What is your favorite food? How are your reindeer? How are you doing?
Tyrone Yazzie
Dear Santa Claus,
My name is Tristen. My age is 10 years old and I am a boy. I live in Many Farms, Ariz. I am half naughty and half good. I take care of my little brother and my little sister. I help my mom clean up. I like to play a lot. I go to church.
My favorite toys are Transformers and trains. I want my uncle to come back home. My favorite game is Monopoly. For Christmas I want a tablet that is a Nook. My favorite stuffed animal is a lynx and a tiger. My favorite gifts are toys. For this Christmas I want an iPod and a phone.
Santa Claus, how does the North Pole look? How do you know that the children are bad or good? How do the elves look? How do you make presents? How can you fit in a chimney? How does your sled look? How do your decorations look?
Tristen Woody
Dear Santa,
I am a boy and I am nice. I live in Many Farms. I go to school at Many Farms public school. I am a 4th grader. I like red. I like to watch Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. My age is 9. I like the Sea Hawks. My name is Aaron Ben. I like to eat. I want to go to Salt Lake City to have Christmas. My favorite numbers are 23 and 6.
For Christmas I want a Lego set. My wishes for Christmas are a dog and a cat. I always wanted books. I want glasses. I wish I could write fast and my dad could come back. I wish my aunt could come back from Phoenix.
Do you live in the North Pole? Do your reindeer fly? What is your favorite deer? What is your favorite food? Who do you play with? How old are you?
Have fun,
Aaron Ben
Dear Santa Claus
My name is Christen Totsoni. I live in Many Farms. My favorite colors are blue, green and red. I think they are good colors. I am 9 years old. I am doing great and I’m nice. My favorite animals are dogs and horses. My favorite holiday is Christmas. I want some presents from you Santa Claus because I am not naughty.
I want a PSP, Xbox games, lead pencils, school stuff, a new football, basketball, and a new black notebook. I want a binder, eraser, jacket, shoes, and a book to read. I need a binder so it can hold my papers together. I need a football so I can throw it around with my brother.
What music do you like? How do your reindeer fly? How do you like North Pole? How can you survive? Is your favorite color red, white or black? How do you make stuff? Do the elves fix stuff like teddy bears, toys, and Xboxes? What is your real name? How do you find us?
Christen Totsoni
Dear Santa,
My name is Jayden Evans. I’m a boy that is 10 years old. I live in Rough Rock. I’m good and I am in 4th grade. I go to Many Farms public school. My favorite animal is a bull. My favorite food is ice cream. I like to play football. My favorite game is Minecraft.
What I want for Christmas is an Xbox One, new shoes, notebook, a hat, and books. I wish my dad can come out of jail. I wish my mom and dad can get together like a real family. I wish my family in Phoenix could see us. I wish I could see my family in Phoenix.
Are you real? How old are you? How big is your sleigh? Can your reindeer fly? Do you know where I live? What is your real name? How many elves do you have?
Rock on,
Jayden Evans
Dear Santa Claus,
I am a girl. My name is Laila Harvey and my age is 9 years old. I live at Many Farms. My favorite colors are pink, purple, red, and white. My favorite animals are horses and puppies. I go to school at Many Farms public school. I’m in 4th grade. My favorite things I like to do are writing and doing a lot of math. I like to write lots of math and lots of letters to people.
I want a computer, new shoes, new clothes, and a happy family. I wish I would have new school stuff and lots of presents. I wish I could have some games that I can play with my tablet. I always wanted puppies that I can play with and spend time with. I wish I could have a new truck for my mom, my sister and me.
Santa, are you real? Santa do elders help you with the presents? Do reindeer really fly? Do you live at the North Pole? What kind of cookies do you like? What is your favorite color? Do you have a pretty wife? Is my sister on the naughty list? Can you give my brother lots of presents too?
Thank you,
Laila Harvey
Dear Santa Claus,
My name is Leshaunie Hadley. I’m a girl that’s 10 years old. I live in Rough Rock. I go to Many Farms public school. My favorite animal is a wolf. I have one brother and one sister. I have two dogs and one cat.
For Christmas, I want a mermaid tail that I can use to swim in the pool. I even want a husky, it’s a dog that looks like a wolf. Then I want a huge stuffed wolf. I even want warm clothing for my two dogs. Santa Claus, make my wishes come true with magic necklaces. I want to see magic around my friends. I also want powers.
Santa, I have questions for you. Is Rudolph still alive? How good are elves? How many good kids get presents? What are your favorite cookies? Can you tell Mrs. Claus to make magic necklaces?
Peace Out,
Leshaunie Hadley
Dear Santa Claus,
My name is Joshua. My age is 9 years and I am a boy. I live in Many Farms, Ariz. I am a 4th grader. I take care of myself. I read books at my house. I sweep and mop the floor, wash the dishes and clean my restroom.
My favorite thing to get is a phone, Xbox One and an iPad so it can download games. Xbox One so I can play video games. I want videos and movies. I want a phone so I can take pictures on it and go to YouTube. I can play any games that I like. I want an iPad so I can make a video and play games on it. I can download a book on there.
Can you make an iPad? Can you make candy? Are you on the red sleigh with reindeer? Santa, can you fit in the stove? Santa will you give me a present under the tree? Will you give me a toy or a bike? Do you want cookies and milk? How old are you?
Joshua Ahasteen
Dear Santa,
I like to play in the snow and build a snowman. I play snowball fights outside. I play in my tree house. I love to read chapter books. I like to play games on my iPad and with Lekira at my house. I love to ride my horse.
What I want for Christmas is new clothes, school supplies and a new bike. I want a toy horse with a toy corral and the movie “Frozen.” I want the Elsa and Anna toys and a basketball for Christmas.
How do you and your reindeer fly? What does it look like at the North Pole? Do your elves take a break? Do your reindeer like to play in the snow? How do you know if we are naughty or nice?
Tamika Teller
Dear Santa Claus,
I am a girl. My name is Halle Claw. I’m 10 years old. I am in fourth grade. I live behind the lake at Many Farms. My favorite animal is a horse. I have three dogs and one cat.
What I want for Christmas is a pogo stick and a dog. I want an iPod, iPad, kitten, and an iPhone. I want my family to have a good time. I want my family to be safe, nice and happy.
Santa, can your reindeer fly in the air? Do you like red? Do you like cookies? What cookies do you like? Are you real? How do you do your decorations? When do you start to make presents?
Halle Claw
Dear Santa,
My name is Luis Carroll. I am 9 years old. I go to school at Many Farms public school and I am in fourth grade. I have three brothers and one sister. I like to play games and be with my family.
What I want for Christmas is a Christmas tree, toys and games. I also I want to give presents to others. I want MarioKart8, Sonic Boom, and Super Smash Bros. all for WiiU game system. The other things I want are Big Hero 6 and Penguins of Madagascar movies and a Hot Wheels super Loop car racing.
Are you still coming if it snows? What time do you leave the North Pole? Do you like living there? What do your reindeer eat?
Merry Christmas, Santa. Thank you.
Love always and forever,
Luis Carroll
Dear Santa,
Hi my name is Tilton Tso. I’m 9 years old. I am a little boy. I live in a hogan at Valley Store, Ariz. I have one little sister and one older brother. I go to school at Many Farms public school as a fourth grader. I like to play Minecraft.
I want Jurassic Park Legos, an Xbox1, Minecraft game, iPod, Gorillaz Humans Stylo car, Jurassic Park toys and a cowboy gun holder. I want these because these are my favorite toys and video games. I will share all my gifts with my brother and my sister.
Do you have elves? Do you like cookies and milk? Do elves make awesome toys? Do you use magic sand to make the reindeer fly? Do you stay up all night? How do you go in to houses? How old are you?
Your buddy,
Tilton Tso
Dear Santa,
What I love to do in the snow is make snowmen. I like making cookies with my mom and grandma and setting up for a Christmas party. I love writing to you Santa because it is fun. I like watching Christmas movies and setting up the Christmas tree. I love Christmas.
Santa, what I want for Christmas is an iPod Nano, a Raiders bed set, a new phone, and winter boots. I also want a new phone case, new workbook, and a new Raiders cup. I hope to see you soon.
How far is the North Pole? How many elves do you have? How can you fit through a stove? How are you going to come to Many Farms? How are you going to go back to the North Pole? How do I get to see you?
Take good care,
Kayleigh Begay
Dear Santa Claus,
My name is Chett Begay and I am 10 years old. I live in Rough Rock. I have short hair. I used to wear glasses but the lenses on my glasses are scratched up. My favorite colors are blue, green and red. The color green and red are my favorite because it is the color for Christmas. I like to play my brother’s video game. It is called Need for Speed on his Playstation 3. It is a race car game.
Santa Claus,
I want an iPad and a video game called Madden NFL 15. Also, I would like to get some new clothes for my family and other stuff they would like. My brother and my step dad want a Ram Truck 3500, a horse and a new Bloomer Trailer.
I wish my parents and grandparents were rich. I want my family to get together to eat, open presents and to decorate at my house for Christmas. I want to play snowball fight with my brothers.
Santa Claus, how old are you? Where do you live at the North Pole? How tall are your elves? Do you have hair? What is your favorite food? How tall are you?
Have a wonderful Christmas.
Chett Begay
Dear Santa Claus,
My name is Precios Jones. I live at L.A., Ariz. My favorite colors are green and blue because I think they are pretty colors. I am 10 years old. My favorite animal lives in the water and it is a shark. My favorite candy bar is a Milky Way. It is good. Just to let you know I am a girl, not a boy.
So this is what I want for Christmas. I would like a bike, not a small one. Then I would like a new sleigh, only a wooden sleigh. Then I would like a green panda bear. For Christmas I would like to spend time with my dad. I hope my family will have presents.
These are some questions I want to ask you, Mr. Claus. Can reindeer fly? Do you get full from milk and cookies? How do you make the toys? How many kids are on the nice list? How many kids are on the naughty list?
Santa, I hope you have a good time on Christmas.
Precios Jones
Dear Santa,
I am a boy and I am in 4th grade. I live in Many Farms. I am nice to my brother and sister. I am nice playing football. It was nice bull riding with my brother, older sister and younger sister.
Santa, I want a game like the NBA game, a helicopter toy and a toy truck too, but I need some school supplies, clothes and some shoes. I need some books so I can be a good reader in class. I want my dad to come back home.
Santa, do your reindeer really fly? Santa, what do you read, books or our letters? Santa, are you real? Do you really give out presents? What does your reindeer eat and drink? When do you fly around? Do you really have reindeer? Where do you put your reindeer?
Be good,
Drekell Johnson
Dear Santa,
My name is Manuelito. I am 9 years old. I have one sister and little brother. I live in Many Farms. Santa, I am half good and bad. What my favorite food to eat is pizza. My favorite thing to do is play bull riding with my cousin. I like to play games and go to the store.
What I want is two games like Dragon Ball vs. Spider Man and a Dragon Ball Z game. What I want is some western toys of bull riders. I want a Spider Man shirt. The other thing is a 24 pack of 0.7 lead pencils, a pack with 200 papers and a new dog.
Santa, how do you make the reindeer fly? Are your elves real? Do you have kids? Did you go to school or not? Do you fly in the air? What is your favorite food? Do you have a dog? Does he like to listen to songs? What do the reindeer eat?
See you soon but not too soon.
Manuelito Lopez