Navajo Times
Friday, March 14, 2025

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From the Publisher: Life has many twists, turns; I took the wrong one

From the Publisher: Life has many twists, turns; I took the wrong one

The road of life has many twists and turns and as you travel down this road you strive to maintain control of your journey. There are times when you reach crossroads and detours along the way and you have to choose which turn to make and which path you want to continue your journey on.

Tom Arviso Jr.

Recently, while traveling the road of life, I made the wrong decision when it came to choosing the right path. On January 7, 2018 I was arrested by the New Mexico State Police in Gallup, and charged with Driving While Intoxicated. After my arrest, I spent two days in the Gallup jail before I was released.

Since that time, my life has changed immensely and it has been hard to even begin to feel good about myself. I have no one else to blame for my situation and I take full responsibility for my actions and decisions.

As a result of my arrest, I have hurt many innocent people and for that I am truly sorry. In private, I have apologized to my family and relatives, to the Navajo Times staff and the board of directors. Now, I feel that it is only right that I apologize publicly.

To my wife, children and grandchildren, to my father, sister and brothers and to my entire family I am sorry for the hurt and embarrassment that I have caused.

To the staff, board of directors and the carriers of the Navajo Times, I sincerely apologize for all of the hurt and unkind attention that I have brought upon you.

And finally, I humbly apologize to you, the readers and supporters of the Navajo Times, and to our business clients and our friends, and to my fellow Navajo People.

I am sorry for violating your public trust and confidence. I hope that one day you will be able to forgive me for my shortcoming.

I also want to encourage everyone to continue to read, support and purchase the Navajo Times newspaper. We have a great staff that proudly produces an award-winning newspaper for you each week.

The Navajo Times staff pride themselves on producing good, solid journalism in each issue, and not capitalizing on someone else’s sadness or misery in order to sell newspapers. That is not the right path to follow.

I was on administrative leave for about the last three weeks and that gave me some much needed time to try and get my life in order, and to prepare for going through the judicial court system.

I still have a tough trail to travel but I am determined to live the rest of my life without alcohol, and to regain love and respect from those who are closest to me. That is important to me.

The Navajo Times board of directors reinstated me back to my position as the CEO/Publisher starting this past Monday. For that, I am truly thankful.

I have much to prove to my board, the Times staff and to you the readers, but I am determined to be the best person and the best publisher that I can be.

I am taking care of myself these days with counseling, AA meetings, and lots of traditional prayer and meditation. Alcohol is not a part of my life anymore, and I will take one situation at a time and one day at a time.

I am also humbly grateful for all of the support and prayers that I have received from family, friends and strangers. I am a human being just like you and I made a mistake. I will have to suffer the consequences of that error, and I realize and accept that.

Your prayers and words of support really do help though and Lord knows that I need them.

Once again I sincerely extend my apology to all of you. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Thank you and God Bless.

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About The Author

Tommy Arviso Jr.

Tom Arviso, Jr., is the CEO and Publisher of Navajo Times Publishing Co., Inc.


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