Navajo Times
Saturday, March 15, 2025

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Coalmine folks enraged over power line to Begaye staffer’s father’s home

Coalmine folks enraged over power line  to Begaye staffer’s father’s home

KA-–-Power-line-for-one-2COALMINE CANYON, Ariz.

Łeejin Haagééd (Coalmine) Chapter Sunday passed a resolution requesting the investigation of Navajo Tribal Utility Authority and four Navajo government offices, including the Office of the President and Vice President, after a power line that was originally expected to benefit 33 families ended up serving only one customer — the father of an OPVP staffer with whom President Russell Begaye has been seen recently.

The resolution, created that day during the regular chapter meeting, was passed 51-0-0.

The resolution was developed after voting members of the community expressed their concerns over the chapter’s Power Line Extension Project that would have benefited 33 families, but benefited only one – the Edward Begay family.

Begay is the father of Myra Begay-Draper, with whom Begaye has been photographed on multiple occasions.

Pictures of Begaye and Begay-Draper have gone viral on social media.

Begaye said in a statement that his relationship with Begay-Draper is professional.

Regarding a picture of him drinking a beverage and holding Begay-Draper’s hand, Begaye stated “I met the lady there to get an update on the projects being considered for (seven) chapters, but before starting she told me about a family member admitted into (the) ER. And I just told her to pray and believe that God would heal her. She thanked me by putting her hands on mine.”

Begaye went on to explain that another photo, which appears to show Begaye whispering in Begay-Draper’s ear, was taken after Begay-Draper moved around the table to explain some photos. He also mentioned being with her at a recent Flagstaff High School basketball game where the players were told to remove their tsiiyeel.

But some Coalmine Chapter members aren’t buying it. They say there is only one reason why the Edward Begay family was connected to the electrical grid in less than 10 days after Begaye signed off on the project.

“It’s all over social media!” one meeting attendee exclaimed. “Begaye’s not hiding anything. It’s no secret why the family was selected to have power in their home.”

About The Author

Krista Allen

Krista Allen is editor of the Navajo Times.


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