MMIW Study Committee to meet in Tuba

Special to the Times | Bazhnibah
A banner shows the logo at the candlelight vigil held on Wednesday in Window Rock on the National Day of Remembrance for Murder Victims.
The Arizona State Legislature’s Study Committee on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls will hold its second meeting in Moenkopi, Arizona, Tuesday.
The public is invited and there will be an opportunity to give testimony.
Presentations will be given by Dustin Driscoll of the National Missing and Unidentified Persons System; Jolene Holgate of the Missing and Murdered Diné Relatives Forum; and Carey Onsae-Namoki of the Hopi-Tewa Women’s Coalition to End Abuse, according to a press release.
The legislature formed the committee this past summer as a response to the high rate of violence against Native women and girls in the state.
The meeting will begin at 10 a.m. MDT (9 a.m. MST) at the Moenkopi Legacy Inn and Suites, 1 Legacy Lane, Moenkopi/Tuba City, Arizona.
The meeting is open to the public, but the committee may go into executive session to hear testimony or receive documents pursuant to state house and senate rules.
Those who need accommodations for physical disability may contact the Chief Clerk’s Office at 602-926-3032 prior to the meeting.