Navajo Times
Sunday, March 16, 2025

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Shots fired at Dennehotso man, woman claims


The Navajo Nation’s Kayenta police are looking for a man who fired six shots at another man, according to the aunt of the suspect.

Dennehotso Boarding School and its dormitory were on lockdown Wednesday after Sheldon Begaye, 36, fired a weapon at his cousin, who did not want to be identified, also in his late thirties, on Wednesday in Dennehotso, Arizona.

Bridgette Begay says her nephew, Sheldon Begaye – a suspected drug dealer and considered armed and dangerous – fired six rounds at her other nephew.

She said Begaye had called the mother of his three children earlier yesterday and ordered her to pick up their children from the boarding school because he is “going to do something” to his cousin.

“Without notifying anybody, Sheldon just took the kids from the school and left with them,” Begay said. “Now, the kids can’t be found.

“Sheldon had almost ran over (my other nephew) with his truck,” she said. “This all happened today.”

The Kayenta and Window Rock police districts did not provide any information Wednesday evening.

Calls seeking information and comment from school officials were denied.

Dennehotso Chapter manager Matthew Austin said he had heard about the school lockdown and tried to get answers at the boarding school but school employees would not tell him anything. The chapter house was not on lockdown.

Sheldon Begaye, Diné-Paiute, is 5-10 and 180 pounds, with a shaved head and hazel eyes. He is currently driving a black Chevy pickup truck.

“He’s got three girls – his children – with him,” said Begay, adding that Sheldon Begaye’s eldest daughters attend the boarding school, and his youngest daughter is around 3 years old.
Bridgette Begay said her other nephew was assaulted by Begaye last month when Begaye put a gun to his cousin’s head.

“The police did not do anything, nor did my other nephew press charges,” said Bridgette Begay, who currently lives in Phoenix.

“Sheldon’s a troublemaker,” she said. “He’s threatened my whole family in Dennehotso – everybody’s afraid of him.”

She said Begaye resides at her family’s home in Dennehotso. Begay added that her family and neighbors have been evacuated from the community as of 6 p.m.

Dennehotso has a population of around 2,000.

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About The Author

Krista Allen

Krista Allen is editor of the Navajo Times.


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