Obituaries for August 22, 2024
Mary B. Watchman
LUPTON, Ariz. — Funeral services for Mary B. Watchman, 82, of Tsé Si’ Ání (Lupton), Arizona, will be held Friday, Aug. 23, at 10 a.m., at the Tsé Si’ Ání Baptist Church in Lupton, Arizona, with Pastor Regan Hawthorne officiating. Burial will follow at the family plot in Lupton.

Mary B. Watchman, June 28, 1942 – Aug. 15, 2024
Mary was born June 28, 1942, in Lupton, into the Dibé Łizhiní (Black Sheep Clan), born for Tsi’naajinii (Black Streak Wood People Clan). She passed away Aug. 15, 2024, in Gallup.
Mary attended Chemawa Indian School and worked for Gilbert Ortegas, Three Hogans Trading Post, and Whitings Bros. in Sanders, Arizona, and Continental Divide Capital Gas in Lupton, and Shima Home Health Care.
Mary enjoyed sewing, beading, baking, making traditional dolls, and singing with the Lupton Stateline Singers.
Mary is survived by her son, Christopher Tsosie; daughters, Christine Ashley, Donna Gilchrist and Carole (Watchman) Lewis; and 11 grandchildren and 16 great-grandchildren.
Mary is preceded in death by her parents, Louise B. Yazzie and John Band; brother, Kee B. Yazzie; and sons, Leo B. Yazzie, Lester James Yazzie and Nolan Juan Martinez.
Pallbearers will be Dustin Gilchrist, Devin Desson, Julius Mayes, Scott Lewis, Christopher Tsosie, Brandon Ashley, Kirk Tsosie, and Eric Lane.
A reception will take place at the Tse Si Ani Chapter House following services.
Rollie Mortuary oversaw arrangements.
Aaron John
KIN DAH ŁICHÍ’Í, Ariz. — Graveside service for Aaron John, 33, of Window Rock, were held Aug. 21 at the Kin Dah Łichí’í cemetery in Kin Dah Łichí’í, Arizona, with Ramone Yazzie Sr. officiating.

Aaron John, Dec. 10, 1990 – July 21, 2024
Aaron was born Dec. 10, 1990, in Fort Defiance, into the Tódích’íi’nii (Bitter Water Clan). He passed away July 21, 2024, in Phoenix.
Aaron graduated from Window Rock High School.
Aaron is survived by his son, Ezekiel Lincoln; daughter, Mileena Lincoln; brothers, Frank Juarez and Orlando Juarez; and sisters, Lucy Burrell, Lucinda Curley and Yolanda Mitchelle.
Aaron is preceded in death by his biological mother, Pauline Bitsuie; parents, Hattie and Luke John; brother, Leroy John; and sisters, Karen John and Leona John.
Silver Creek Mortuary oversaw arrangements.
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