Navajo Times
Wednesday, March 19, 2025

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Rock Point honors girls’ state champions

Rock Point honors girls’ state champions


Last Thursday, Rock Point High held a gathering of both the school and community to honor the Lady Cougars basketball team, this year’s girls’ 1A state champions.

Originally slated for the weekend, the gathering was moved to Thursday due to weather forecasts of high winds.

Students from kindergarten to the 12th grade were in attendance, as well as the extended family of the team members who sat in the bleachers of the football stadium. The girl’s immediate family had seats on the field where they were catered with lunch.

Lady Cougars coach Andrew Reed spoke of his pride and love for the girls who overcame a lot to get Rock Point’s second girls’ basketball state championship win.

“It’s a tremendous job that they did – they felt it,” Reed said. “Then leaving something behind, the history that had been made here in Rock Point. They know they made history, twice. That’s what they’re feeling right now.”

The girls then each individually came up and spoke a few words, mostly thanking the coaches, parents and school for the support and what the win means to them, with more than a few shedding tears.

Following afterwards was guest speaker President Jonathan Nez, who had followed the team and others to the state tournament.

He congratulated the girls for their effort and thanked them for representing the Navajo Nation at state. He also thanks the other teams across and off the rez who made it to state and who also represented the Nation.

He encouraged them to continue their studies, that education is important, and to continue to be resilient and remember their roots, reminding the students that despite the hardship our ancestors faced, the Navajo are alive and thriving.

“We brought another state title back, that’s two basketball titles and one volleyball state title back to this small rural community,” Nez said. “And it just shows that hard work does pay off. They overcame some difficulties throughout the season. They never gave up.”

Rock Point High Principal James Patterson III said the girls represent what the school strives to teach their students – to be hard-working individuals while maintaining their Diné culture.

He read off this year’s basketball honors for both the boys’ and girls’ teams.

Athletic Director Chris Wilson praised the boys and the girls for their efforts and also thanked each of the departments for contributing to the successful season.

From the financial department to the cafeteria staff who made the team’s sack lunches. If it weren’t for the support from the school, the program wouldn’t be possible, he said.

Wilson said the past year two years were tough with not having in-person learning, no sports season and then the readjustment period when schools started to open again.

He also stressed that the Lady Cougars are exceptional students, each maintaining a high curriculum in order to be eligible for sports.

“It’s a major accomplishment considering we went through a pandemic,” Wilson said. “We had very little to work with as far as personnel and students. So we had to work with what we had and we had great students and great parents and great support from our school.

“So, it was really a great accomplishment considering that we missed out last year,” he said. “And I’m just proud to be part of the program. It was tough, but it was worth it.

The event closed with a prayer and pictures taken of the girls with the state trophy.

Seven members of the team will remain, including two starters, that’ll prove essential to the team next year for a third title.

Reed said young players are already excited and determined to win, including some members of his kindergarten PE class. He also thanks his mother, sister, little brother and older brother for their love and support through difficult times, which in turned helped the girls.

Rock Point ended the season 19-1 and were crowned regional and state champions after missing a year due to COVID-19.

Earlier this year, the volleyball team also won the school’s first volleyball championship as well, with some of their players on the basketball team.

Video of the full ceremony, as well as coverage of the Lady Cougars season, is posted on the school’s Facebook page.

About The Author

David Smith

David Smith is Tódích’íi’nii and born for Dziłt’aadí. He is from Chinle and studied at Northern Arizona University. He studied journalism and English for five years while working part-time for NAU’s NAZ Today and the Lumberjack newspaper. After graduating in 2020, he joined the Navajo Times as a sportswriter for two years before leaving in September 2022. Smith returned in February 2023.


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Humidity: 18%
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Pressure: 30.33

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