Damon-Bahe Boxing Team seeks funds for national tournament

Neildrea Harvey (left) and Roselinda Harvey (right) pose with Rachel Etcitty (center) after Etcitty won the championship unopposed in the 2015 All Indian Boxing Tournament held in San Carlos, Ariz., on July 2-4. The three were part of the Damon-Bahe Boxing Team from Chinle that sent eight boxers to the championships. The team brought home five titles, two runner-ups and a third place. (Times photo – Sunnie R. Clahchischiligi)

Neildrea Harvey (left) and Roselinda Harvey (right) pose with Rachel Etcitty (center) after Etcitty won the championship unopposed in the 2015 All Indian Boxing Tournament held in San Carlos, Ariz., on July 2-4. The three were part of the Damon-Bahe Boxing Team from Chinle that sent eight boxers to the championships. The team brought home five titles, two runner-ups and a third place. (Times photo – Sunnie R. Clahchischiligi)
The Damon-Bahe Boxing Team is seeking sponsors for their trip to the 2015 Ringside World Champion Boxing Tournament to be held in Independence, Mo., August 6-10.
The four-day tournament will feature 62 divisions with over 1,000 bouts and at the conclusion of the event it will crown 262 champions.
The non-profit organization qualified six boxers for this event, which include Jeremiah Bahe, Joshua Bahe, James Bahe, Neildrea Harvey, Roselinda Harvey and Mariah Bahe.
“We have entered this tournament the past two years and have had a Navajo boxers place in the top ten every year,” head coach John C. Bahe in a sponsorship letter. “We wish to keep this as part of our goals.”
Sixteen year-old Joshua Bahe, who is ranked No. 7 in the USA boxing ranking, placed second and third at this boxing tournament while 18 year-old Jeremiah Bahe and 13 year-old James Bahe have placed in the top 10.
According to Bahe, the trip will cost $4,145 for the boxing group with their room and board totaling $3,479.
“Any and all donations we receive will be greatly appreciated and will help fulfill the dreams of these young boxers,” Bahe said.
For more information you can contact Wilbert Harvey at (928)-349-8799 or Rose M. Jim at (928)-349-8056.
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