Ceremonial Rodeo, Yazzie, Long earn saddles, buckles, cash for all-around champion effort

Navajo Times | Quentin Jodie
Jannon Long completes the turn at the 101st Annual Gallup Inter-Tribal Indian Ceremonial Rodeo on Sunday. Long swept the barrel racing event, which helped her earn the women’s all-around title.
By Santiago Ramos Jr.
Special to the Times
GALLUP – For Coyote Canyon cowboy Hiyo Yazzie it was two-in-a-row during the 101st Annual Gallup Inter-Tribal Ceremonial Rodeo that closed out Sunday afternoon at Red Rock Park.
Yazzie grabbed his second consecutive Ceremonial all-around cowboy title after the marathon five-hour short-go finals in front of a sizable crowd.

Navajo Times | Quentin Jodie
Hiyo Yazzie places a headlock on his steer in Sunday’s short round at the Ceremonial Rodeo. Yazzie won his second consecutive men’s all-around title by amassing 61 points.
Beshbetoh, Arizona cowgirl Jannon Long secured her first Ceremonial all-around title.
Sunday’s short-go finals was combined with the wildly popular Old School Rodeo that made for a very long but entertaining afternoon of rodeo action that ended under cooler cloudy skies.
All-around cowboy
The 22-year-old Yazzie competed in the calf roping, steer wrestling and open team roping events to finish first in the all-around competition with 61 points.
Yazzie finished second in the calf roping average and second in the short go. He also added third place in the long go for steer wrestling.
Yazzie also competed in the ranch bronc riding, hide race and the frybread pan toss in the Old School Rodeo.
“I’ve been competing in the Ceremonial three or four years,” Yazzie said. “I had good draws in the calf roping and steer wrestling.”
Yazzie said he’s looking forward to competing at the Indian National Finals Rodeo, having been the reserve team roping champion with Dennis Begay at the 2021 INFR.
“I will win the world title,” Yazzie vows. “I’ll go back to the practice pen.”
Both Yazzie and Long were presented with all-around trophy saddles along with all-around buckles.
All-around cowgirl
For the 24-year-old Long, Sunday’s all-around title was a culmination of having competed at the Ceremonial Rodeo since she was five years old.
“I’ve been competing here ever since I was a little girl when I was five years old,” Long said. “I haven’t missed a year.”
Long competed in the barrels, breakaway roping along with the frybread pan toss.
Long swept the ladies barrel racing winning the long go, short go and average with her horse True Grit and adding a seventh place in the breakaway average and eighth in the long go with her grandfather’s (Victor Begay) horse after using her sister’s horse in the short go.
Long said she’s hoping to qualify for this year’s INFR in the next couple of weeks.
“I won money at Rocky Boy in Pine Ridge, South Dakota and this past weekend I also won money at Fort Hall, Idaho,” said Long who has competed at the INFR about half a dozen times.
“I’ve never really followed through in the short go at the INFR,” she admitted. “Hopefully this year will be better.”
Long said that she gave birth earlier this year.
“I just had a baby (Wrenley) in May,” Long said. “I had a little girl. I gave it (a break) a few weeks, so I missed one rodeo before. I actually feel good. I actually feel better probably because I have a baby. I’m really blessed.
“I won a saddle and two buckles here. It was a good day, good weekend. It was a win-win,” said Long. “The competition was real tough so you just give it your best shot and see where it falls. The ground was really great. My horse held up pretty good with it. Overall, I think everything went good.”
Long will be traveling on Tuesday for the Crow Agency Tour Rodeo in Montana.
Steer wrestling
Byron Murphy topped the bull dogging long with a 5.19 second takedown ($927). Rooster Yazzie was second with a 6.53 ($695) with Hiyo Yazzie third with a 6.62 ($464).
Andrew Galloway won the short go with a 7.18 ($463) with Sheridan Jodie second with a 7.39 ($348) and Rooster Yazzie third with a 7.49 ($232).
Rooster Yazzie grabbed the average with a 14.02 total ($927) with Galloway second with a 14.55 ($695) and Jodie third with a 19.26 ($464).
Tie-down roping
Justin Tsosie Jr. topped the tie-down roping long go with a 12.54 ($946). Roy Begay grabbed second with a 13.24 ($709) with Benson Charley third with a 14.15 ($473).
Malachi Pablo won the short go with a 15.96 (473) with Hiyo Yazzie second with an 18.73 ($355) and Tyrel Pablo third with a 24.18 ($236).
Malachi Pablo easily won the average with a 30.51 total ($946) with Hiyo Yazzie second with a 37.45 ($709) and Charley third with a 41.32 ($473).
Ladies’ breakaway
Veteran cowgirl Vanessa Begay of Beshbetoh, Ariz., was emotional after she won the ladies breakaway roping average.
Begay topped the ladies breakaway roping average with an 8.92 total ($956).
Kadin Jodie was a close second with a 9.02 ($832) with Kylie Gilbert third with a 9.10 ($707).
“It’s been a rough year,” Begay said with tears flowing down her face. “I lost my father six months ago. He was ill. He had heart complications. And I’ve been rodeoing with my dad since I was five years old.”
After her event was over, Begay thought of her dad.
“I thought of him after (the event was over),” she said. “Like I said it’s been a rough year and I finally got a win here. It’s a big one. I’m happy about it.”
The 39-year-old Begay said she has been to the Ceremonial Rodeo since she was little.
“I’ve been here since I was 5 years old,” she said. “I’ve never won (an event) at this rodeo. I’ve always placed.”
During the long go, Begay posted the second fastest time with a 3.77 during slack behind Erin Etsitty with a fast 2.80.
“The first draw I didn’t know since we came out of slack,” she explained. “The second draw Kylie Gilbert had the draw and I asked her. She said it was pretty good. He runs straight and not that strong. I just had to make sure that I get that because of the 20-foot barrier (compared to 14-foot barrier in the long go).
“That’s the old school version. It’s extra long,” she added. “That’s one thing I wanted to make sure I cleared.”
Begay said she tried not to think about the time she needed in the short go to win the average.
The No. 1 seed Etsitty missed her calf, giving the average to Begay.
“I go out there and do my job and not think about what I needed to be (time-wise),” Begay said. “Trust my horse. We just focus on what we can control which is ourselves, which is me. Make sure I don’t break out and watch that (barrier) line.”
Begay said that she watched Etsitty on her final run.
“I did watch her,” Begay said. “I was just watching. It’s something that I learned to try to do is when I get here is to have fun. All the work and preparation is done at home. You come here and do my best and just have fun.”
Etsitty topped the long go with a 2.80 ($956) with Begay second with a 3.77 ($832) with Jodie third with a 3.83 ($707).
Gilbert took the short go with a 5.07 ($603) ahead of Begay with a 5.19 ($395).
Begay said she will be heading up to Montana in a couple of weeks for INFR Tour Rodeos.
“I’ve been taking it easy this year due to my father,” she said. “This year I had to regain myself and get mentally prepared again because of the loss that we had.”
Begay said she is proud of her horse, Tesla, which she got in 2020.
“It’s funny but I was telling my dad and my mom that I wanted a car. I wanted a Tesla like the car. I got a horse and I asked what’s his name. Telsa, like well I got my prayers in. Maybe I’ll be more specific next time,” she said laughing. “It’s a blessing in disguise. She’s working out pretty good. She’s awesome.”
Begay is hoping that she will be able to qualify for the INFR which she last qualified for when it was held in San Carlos, Ariz. for three years from 2005 to 2008.
“It’s been a while,” she said.
Ladies barrel racing
Jannon Long dominated the ladies barrel racing sweeping the long go with an 18.395 ($846) the short go with an 18.211 ($583) and the average with a 36.606 total ($846).
Tara Seaton grabbed second in all three with an 18.540 in the long go ($700), 18.362 in the short go ($437) and a 36.902 in the average ($700).
Nancy Montoya finished third in the long go with an 18.617($554) while Sara Redden was third in the short go with an 18.372 ($292). Montoya was third in the average with a 37.212 ($554).
Open team roping
The team of Wyatt Kent and Trey Nowlin topped the open team roping long go with a winning run of 5.32 seconds ($1,231 per roper).
The team of Dwight Sells and Shawn Murphy Jr. was a close second with a 5.37 ($1,071 per roper) with the team of James Arviso and Wyatt Gibson third with a 5.44 ($910 per roper). The team of Ty Romo and Wawa Ben was fourth with a 5.71 ($750 per roper).
The team of Romo and Wawa Ben topped the short go with a 7.56 ($776 per roper) nipping the team of Westley Benally and Trey Nez with a 7.58($642 per roper). The team of Kent and Nowlin were third with an 8.72 ($509 per roper).
The team of Romo and Ben topped the average with a 13.27 total ($1,231 per roper) just ahead of the team of Benally and Nez with a 13.31 ($1,071 per roper). The team of Ken and Nowlin was third with a 140.4 ($910 per roper).
No. 10 team roping
The team roping combination of Bill Dahozy and Shayzum Yazzie grabbed the lucrative No. 10 team roping with a first-place time of 5.18 seconds that paid $2,176 per roper.
The team of Kyle Tallsalt and Andy Sells finished second with a 7.30 ($1,892 per roper) with the team of Trista Tabaha and Karlex Capitan third with a 7.85 ($1,608 per roper).
The team of Daylan and Brian Barton was fourth with a 7.86 ($1,324 per roper) with the team of Tyson and Leevey Charley fifth with a 7.91 ($1,041 per roper).
Bull riding
Vinell Mariano topped the bull riding long go with a 90-point score ($846) ahead of Man Antez with an 86 ($700) and Robbie Taylor with an 85 ($554).
Wade Tuni was the lone bull rider able to cover his bull during the short go with an 87 that paid $1,458. Tuni was also the only bull rider able to cover both bulls with a 167 total ($846) in the average. Mariano took second with a 90 on 1 ($700) and Antez third with an 86 on 1 ($554).
Delvecchio Kaye dominated the bareback riding sweeping the long go with a 74 ($406), the short go with a 72 ($203) and the average with a 146 total (646).
Isiah Tom was second in the long go with a 69 ($270) while Ryan Nez Bitsui took second in the short go with a 66 ($135) and second in the average with a 132 ($430).
Saddle bronc
Creighton Curley was the big winner in the saddle bronc riding winning the long go with an impressive 88-point score ($522) while adding a fourth in the short go with a 73 ($65). Curley easily topped the average with 161 total ($522).
Tyler Beebe grabbed second during the long go with a 76 ($392) just ahead of Bryan Moreno with a 74 ($261).
Stade Riggs placed second in the average with a 148 ($392) just ahead of Shane Phillips with a 143 ($261).
Senior team roping
The team of Victor Begay and James Begay Jr. grabbed the senior team roping with a quick 7.09 second run ($976 per roper) while the team of Daniel Billy and Edison Roan finished second with a 10.11 ($732 per roper). The team of Jonathan (JJ) Henio and Nate Henio was third with a 13.48 ($488 per roper).
Junior barrels
Carli Jones won the junior barrels with an 18.879 second clocking ($667) with Zoey Cline second with a 19.278 ($552) with Dawnae Tracy third with a 19.396 ($437).
Junior breakaway
Cody Tallsalt grabbed the junior breakaway with a winning 2.37 second clocking ($686) ahead of Colter Yazzie who took second with a 2.88 ($568) and Leevey Williams third with a 5.59 ($449).
Old School event winners
Wawa Ben swept the hide race, buffalo riding events and the wild cow milking (Indian Car) with Brandon Ben.
Ma Reid took the women’s steer riding while Jaxon Birtcher won the wooly riding. Brandon Ben won the ranch bronc riding. Jodelle Bitloy took the women’s frybread pan contest. Roy Begay swept both the men’s frybread pan toss and teamed up with daughter Sierra Begay to take the pony express race.