Building a program

File photo | Navajo Times After a lackluster race two weeks ago at the Shiprock Invite, Kirtland Central High School freshman LaKyla Yazzie finished second at the Four Corners Invitational last Saturday
KC girls pursuing success with mixture of runners

File photo | Navajo Times
After a lackluster race two weeks ago at the Shiprock Invite, Kirtland Central High School freshman LaKyla Yazzie finished second at the Four Corners Invitational last Saturday
Early success never comes easy.
That is something just about every runner on the Kirtland Central High School girl’s cross country team knows all too well.
From the new freshman to the seasoned seniors, they have learned that success develops from a process.
Kirtland Central freshman runner LaKyla Yazzie learned that this weekend during the Four Corners Invitation hosted by Kirtland Central, after having a lackluster race the weekend before.
“The last one (race) I wasn’t feeling right at the moment. I wasn’t focused on the race, my mind was wondering elsewhere,” she said. “This one, I was more focused. I was thinking about what place I want to get this time, so my main goal was to come in at least top two.”
And she did. She envisioned it and made it happen. She came in second overall; just behind Window Rock High School star Chamique DuBoise with a time of 19:34.66.
She said she learned a lot about her approach to races and what aspects of her running game need to be strong.
Yazzie also said she learned a lesson in high expectations for young runners like herself.
“If I don’t hold my expectations that everyone holds for me, then they’ll think less of what I am now,” she said.
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