Arts Briefs | Show explores exploitation in Native arts market
The gallupARTS presents “Exposé: A Show for Economic Justice,” opening on Saturday, Aug. 6, a limited-run show exploring exploitation in the Native arts market through the work of five Diné visual and literary artists: Armond Antonio, Jerry Brown, Manny Loley, Tasha N., and Jay Smiley.
The artists created works specifically for the show, sharing personal stories, experiences, historical approaches and perspectives on the Native arts market.
The show will open on Saturday, Aug. 6, from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. It will be open to the public for one week until August 14. It will open by appointment only through Sept. 3.
gallupARTS presents “Made in Native America”
GALLUP – “Made in Native America,” third in a series of five guest-curated shows at ART123 Gallery, will open on Saturday, Aug. 13.
Curated by Laguna Pueblo artist Karl Bautista, the show highlights and explores complex issues of authenticity in Native American art and features four Indigenous artists, including Bautista.
“Native Americans are the only people who have to prove their pedigree,” Bautista said. “Our Native roots run deeper than any DNA or ancestry.com test.”
“Because he is both an artist and gallery owner, Karl has a 360-degree perspective on the Native arts market and all of its challenges,” said Rose Eason, gallupARTS executive director.
Bautista is a screen printer and the owner of Rebel Prints gallery in Albuquerque.
The show also features:
• Mackenzie Cheama, a tattoo and mixed media artist from the Pueblo of Zuni whose work pushes boundaries and redefines traditions.
• Mallery Quetawki, a scientist and artist from the Pueblo of Zuni whose work focuses on bridging traditional and ecological knowledge and Indigenous ways of knowing with Western concepts of science.
• Jason Kinlicheenie, a Diné artist who has evolved his own style influenced by street and graffiti art.
A virtual sneak peek will be live-streamed on the gallupARTS Facebook and Instagram pages on Saturday, Aug. 13, at 11:45 a.m.
The in-person show opening will be 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. on Aug. 13 (during the downtown Gallup ArtsCrawl).
A virtual guest curator talk with Bautista will be live-streamed on Thursday, Aug. 18, at 6 p.m., to the gallupARTS Facebook page.
The guest curator program is made possible by funding from the National Endowment for the Arts (www.arts.gov).
Information: www.galluparts.org
Labor Day benefit concert for animals
CORTEZ, Colo. – On Sunday, Sept. 4, on Labor Day weekend, a musical event called “Concerts 4 Critters – A Beastly Music Series” is scheduled at the Montezuma County Fairgrounds.
The lineup includes multiple-Grammy winning band Ozomatli, “America’s Got Talent” performer Haley Reinhart and Navajo blues sensation Levi Platero.
The concert is also set on the final day of the 29th Four Corners Motorcycle Rally in Durango.
The concert will benefit animal rescue programs like, on the Navajo Reservation, Dr. Kelly Upshaw of Rez-Solutions who promotes education and provides animal care to decrease unwanted, abandoned, homeless roaming dogs and cats.
First annual Native artist market & juried show
IGNACIO, Colo. – The Southern Ute Cultural Center and Museum will host its first annual Native Artist Market & Juried Show Sept. 9 to 11 during this year’s centennial Southern Ute Tribal Fair.
Submission categories are best of show in jewelry, beadwork, textiles & basketry, sculpture, painting, drawing, photography, pottery and emerging artist.
Award winners will share $4,000 in prizes.
Members of the host committee are Ute artists Oreland Joe Jr., Norman Lansing, and Russell Box Sr.
Early bird registration ends Monday, Aug. 15, at 5 p.m. The final registration deadline is Wednesday, Aug. 31, at 5 p.m.
Information: southernutemuseum.org or Waynoka Whiteskunk, 970-563.2979 or wwhiteskunk@southernute-nsn.gov