Eve’s Fund awards scholarships to 15 Navajo Prep students

Eve’s Fund awards scholarships to 15 Navajo Prep students
FARMINGTON – Eve’s Fund for Native American Health Initiatives has announced that it has awarded $15,000 in scholarships to 15 Navajo students attending Navajo Preparatory School in Farmington for the current academic year.
Seven of the students are receiving the scholarship for the first time, and eight students are continuing from previous years. These students were selected based on demonstrated financial need, academic potential, and leadership skills. Each recipient’s award fully covers the school’s required academic and residential fees.
The awardees are: sophomore Keira Antonio (Pueblo Pintado, New Mexico), junior Laci Antonio (Pueblo Pintado), senior Thomacita Begay (Tuba City), freshman Leannabah Cly (Tuba City), senior Luke Damon (Albuquerque), senior Wallen Descheeny (Klagetoh, Arizona), sophomore Kamyra Goldtooth (Fruitland, N.M.), sophomore Jerald Hardy (Window Rock), junior Dominique Henderson (Little Water, New Mexico), senior Orion King (Rock Point, Arizona), sophomore Nevaeh Lewis (Torreon, New Mexico), sophomore, Brooke Martin (Mulholland Well, New Mexico), sophomore Madilynn Mora (Round Rock, Arizona), senior, Winnie Morgan (Crownpoint), and freshman Luke Smith (Standing Rock, New Mexico).
Individual photos and biographies written by each student can be found here: bit.ly/EvesFund-NavajoPrepScholarshipAwardees
Since Eve’s Fund established this scholarship program in 2011 with an initial funding of $3,000, the foundation has awarded $116,500 to 72 individual Navajo Prep students, some of whom received the scholarship in each of their four years at the school. To qualify for the scholarship, students must write a short essay on “What I want to do with my education” or “How a good education will help me achieve my goals.”
Shawna Becenti, the head of school at Navajo Prep, said, “On behalf of the Navajo Prep community, I am proud to congratulate our fifteen bright, hardworking students who have been awarded the 2023-24 Eve’s Fund Scholarship.
“We are so proud of what you have accomplished in the classroom and beyond and are proud of you for being an example of our school’s mission – ‘Yideeską́ągóó Naat’áanii,’ ‘Leaders Now and Into the Future,’” she said. “We are grateful that Eve’s Fund has partnered with Navajo Prep for the past 13 years.
“During this time, Eve’s Fund has supported the vision and mission of our school by funding our students with scholarships to attend Navajo Prep,” she added. “We are thankful for the continued collaboration and support of our students and communities.”
The founders of Eve’s Fund for Native American Health Initiatives, the late Robert Crowell and Barbara Crowell Roy, established the scholarship program to honor the memory of their daughter, Eve Erin Crowell, who passed away in February 2005.
By partnering with Navajo Preparatory School, Eve’s Fund helps address the significant financial needs of talented high school students served by the only Navajo-sanctioned college-preparatory high school for Native Americans. Through their hard work – and with financial support – approximately 90% of Navajo Prep students graduate successfully. Of these, over 90% go on to enroll at a four-year college or to serve in the military, including some accepted to the highly competitive military academies.
Eve’s mother, Barbara Crowell Roy, president of Eve’s Fund, said, “A highlight of my work with Eve’s Fund is visiting Navajo Prep and getting to know each of the scholarship awardees personally.
“The gratitude the kids express is so sincere and uplifting, and their passion for their studies, extracurricular activities, heritage, and community is inspiring. And as a mother, I’m always touched by the kids’ interest in learning about Eve’s life.
“It makes my day and touches my heart when they tell me they feel Eve’s spirit and want to do well in her memory. Although Eve left us 19 years ago, her memory is still alive through our continuing programs for Native American youth.”