Kin Dah Łichí’í School ‘Ólta’student Chase Tuni among winners of AZ529 Art Contest

Kin Dah Łichí’í School ‘Ólta’student Chase Tuni among winners of AZ529 Art Contest

PHOENIX – Kin Dah Łichí’í School ‘Ólta’student Chase Tuni from Apache County is among the 15 winners of the AZ529 statewide Art Contest.

Tuni was selected from over 600 students who entered artwork in the “Dream, Draw, Win” contest sponsored by the AZ529 program and administered through the State Treasurer’s Office. The Arizona State Treasurer’s Office and the AZ529 Advisory Committee invited K-6 students from around Arizona to create artwork that showed their future career dreams.

The winners will receive $529 toward an AZ529 Education Savings Plan. Tuni shared his dream of becoming a professional bull rider. Tuni and all the winners were honored during a ceremony at the Arizona State Capitol on April 10.

Treasurer Kimberly Yee presented each winner with a giant check and certificate and displayed the young Arizona scholars’ artwork.


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Window Rock Weather

Fair and Breezy

54.0 F (12.2 C)
Dewpoint: 12.9 F (-10.6 C)
Humidity: 19%
Wind: Southwest at 23.0 gusting to32.2 MPH (20 gusting to 28 KT)
Pressure: 29.97

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