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Law and Order public hearings

Tuba City Judicial District Tuba City, AZ, United States

WINDOW ROCK — The 25th Navajo Nation Council’s Law and Order Committee will host a series of public hearings pertaining to the confirmation of Chief Justice JoAnn Jayne.  Feb. 19: […]

Petrified Forest National Park hikes

Petrified Forest National Park Petrified Forest, United States

PETRIFIED FOREST, Ariz. – Celebrate Arizona Archeology Month with the following guided backcountry hikes at Petrified Forest National Park. • March 14: Martha’s Butte and Beyond, five miles in rugged […]

Christian Bible Academy April classes

Christian Bible Academy 2724 E. Lakin Drive, No. 10, Flagstaff, AZ, United States

FLAGSTAFF — Christian Bible Academy (10240 Aurora Road) will host bible classes on April 7-11 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Textbooks, tuition, meals, and rooms are free. Certificates will […]

Rodeo De Rio Grande

Bernalillo County Sheriff's Posse Arena Albuquerque, NM, United States

ALBUQUERQUE - Rodeo De Rio Grande is Saturday, April 26, at the Bernalillo Sheriff’s Posse at 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. Entry fee (all events) is $100 with $200 added […]

Warrior Leadership Summit

Lake Williamson Retreat Center Carlinville, IL, United States

CARLINVILLE, Ill. — Navajo youth along with nearly 100 tribes will attend the annual Warrior Leadership Summit on June 30 to July 5 at the Lake Williamson Retreat Center. Youth […]

Uranium Film Festival

Navajo Nation Museum 12 AZ-264, Window Rock, AZ, United States

WINDOW ROCK - The 14th Annual International Uranium Film Festival, in cooperation with the New Mexico Social Justice and Equity Institute, returns to Window Rock on Nov. 7-8 at the […]