Navajo Times
Saturday, March 15, 2025

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Guest Essay: New legislative tracking website will provide timely, accurate information

Guest Essay: New legislative tracking website will provide timely, accurate information

By LoRenzo Bates
Special to the Times

LorenzoBatesMugI would like to begin by thanking the Navajo Times for this opportunity to be a part of this week’s edition, which includes the debut of their newly redesigned newspaper. I also thank their staff for their productive efforts in keeping the Navajo public informed of their government and activities within our communities.

As Speaker of the Navajo Nation, I share in the responsibility of keeping the public informed of ongoing legislative matters, particularly as it relates to legislations that are introduced and that impact of us individually and collectively.

In keeping in line with that responsibility, I am proud to announce the launching of a new legislative tracking website on September 4. This new website is the product of approximately two years of hard works and collaborative efforts of the staff at the Office of Legislative Services under the Navajo Nation Legislative Branch.

The Council, the staff, as well as the public recognized the need to revamp the current legislative tracking system, both internally and for the public.
Under the guidance of many dedicated individuals, we sought to reduce the inefficiencies and needless paperwork involved in the initiation of legislation by delegates. These efforts have resulted in a significant reduction in the use of paper with much of the internal process now being handled online.
The new website that will be made available on September 4 will have new features and filtering options that will make it easier for the public to track legislations as they move through the committees and Council, if needed. Committee reports and resolutions that report the final vote outcomes will also be accessible online.
Other user-friendly options will allow the public to view legislations based on delegate sponsorship, in order of legislation number, date of eligibility, and also allow users to see which committee will consider a particular legislation next. The website will also feature an online calendar that will allow the public to view information for all scheduled Standing Committee, subcommittee, and Council meetings for any month.
Aside from the few examples provided above, the website includes other features that will increase transparency and accessibility for users. I encourage the public to access the website at on September 4 and to please remain patient as our staff continues to resolve technical issues.

This initiative is another step in the right direction as we continue our efforts to provide timely and accurate information to the public. However, I am mindful that the development of technology-based solutions are often not in line with forms of communication that our Navajo elders are accustomed to and this is an issue that we must continue to address through radio and with assistance from those who work and communicate daily with our elderly people.
The Legislative Branch remains committed to providing information that is timely, accurate, and relevant to the progress of this Nation. The Office of the Speaker has worked cooperatively with media to engage the public and to ensure that we continue down a path of transparency and accountability. Once again, I thank the Navajo Times for providing this opportunity and I look forward to engaging the Navajo public through their publication.


(Editor’s note: LoRenzo Bates is the Speaker of the 23rd Navajo Nation Council)

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