Miss Navajo Nation: Happy Valentine’s Day

Miss Navajo McKeon Dempsey
Yá’át’ééh ałtaał’áásiiłgóó, shik’éí dóó shidiné’é, shihastóí, shizáanii.
McKeon K. Dempsey dashijiní. Ádoone’é ígíí éí Kiiya’áanii Dine’é nishłí dóó Tsédeeshgiizhnii Dine’é bashíshchíín. Áádóó Tódích’íi’nii Dine’é éí dashicheii dóó Biih Bitoodnii Dine’é éí dahshinálí. Ákwót’áo Diné asdzání nishłi. Naabeehó Bich’eeke’ nishłi.
Atsá Biyáázh refers to the eagle’s young. Díí nahidizídí biyi’ éí Ajéí béé hánii, bilagáanaa k’éhjígo éí Valentine’s Day. Saad nizhónígíí niasdzáán éí doodahgo nihastóí bee bich’i’ yáti’. “Ayóó’ó’o’ni’” dóó “Ayóó anííníshní” dajiníi łeh t’áásh aaníí? Saad nizhónígíí diits’a’go ayóo anánídloh łeh ya? Áko háídah shíí nizhónígo niiłtsá bił holne’. Ni’ałchíní ałdó’ bił dahólne’, shiyázhí ayóó anííníshní. She’awéé’ ayóó anííníshní dóó ni’iiná ayóó baa’ ahéénisin. Nizhónígo noosééł shiyázhí dóó ts’ídá shijéí nilí.
I wish you all a Happy Valentine’s Day!
Share this day with your family, the person you love, and your children. Please continue to share love and kind words amongst one another before you leave for work, before your children leave for school, even before you each lay your head down to rest.
Say “I love you” to your children and to each other as we make each day a better day to live in harmony and peace.
I ask that you each be kind to one another and let this month remind us of why we care for each of our loved ones and how they have made our lives happy.
T’áá shoodí ádaa’ádahołyá.