Thursday, February 6, 2025

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Letters | Nonrecognition of Natives

Nonrecognition of Natives

Canadian here. I watched the inauguration and 1. Saw no Native Americans at the podium and 2. Heard zero recognition of Native Americans. This is shameful.

I just thought I’d let you know that some people notice this. (He also said nothing about the role of slaves building the nation). No one seems to be commenting on this. Google has zip.

Jennifer Minogue
Ontario, Canada

Spiritual support

I have been deeply concerned about recent events of our Navajo leaders. It involved disruption of our Navajo tribal government operation. Mostly concerning our Navajo Nation leaders; Honorable Navajo President Dr. Buu Nygren and our Navajo Nation Vice President Honorable Richelle Montoya.

I heard an unfortunate disclosure of Navajo Nation Vice President Richelle Montoya marital separation. The agony of hurt, pain and other frightening effects from this matter I can understand for Vice President Montoya.

I have traditionally supported many of my relatives to overcome pains and situation as what Vice President Montoya has endured. Listening to relatives with these types of personal problems, and applying the proper spiritual support needed usually helps the individual to remain focused and make a proper decision to address problems.

According to Diné Blessing Way for relatives affected with marital personal problems, one must listen to the Blessing Way songs and prayers that is made. The mentor must explain its purpose for healing and returning to harmony.

The highlight from a broken personal relationship like above takes time to heal. When our sacred Changing Woman was confronted with the truth about her relationship with Father Sun. She was shocked and dismayed. Because her relationship with Father Sun was of long duration. Upon her son’s true report after visiting their father about having relatives where his father lived. Changing Women was deeply dismayed and disappointed. She had offered her all divine life into her personal relationship with Father Sun. Maybe Father Sun saying: “You are the only one.”

In a state of disappointment, she prepared for her departure by enduring long trips to mend her hurt feeling. She was able to adjust her ways. She remained as: ‘Changing Woman!’ She upheld her divine spiritual living. This included her belief and other valuables she had. And she sacredly created at this point: “Naadą́ą́ Ałt’ah Náályá Hózhǫ́ǫ́jí.” From this Blessing Way I am trying my best to apply to concerns I have mentioned above.

It appears to me that Honorable Dr. Buu Nygren, the Navajo Nation president, needs to re-evaluate some of the basic understanding to the nature of problems developed in his administration. The Blessing Way as one of the supports. I refer to Navajo Nation Vice President Honorable Richelle Montoya personal problems. Mr. Nygren: there is no need to prolong or continue the negative reports arising from your administration. Sincerely – fix it!

And I strongly support the ideals of my Diné Blessing Way where a time to re-adjust, time to mend the hurt of separation, time for others to understand the person affected with personal problems. Whoever holds that true support for the hurt person would be sincere and caring.

I believe hurt, pain from somebody you love and had spent precious time in life with suddenly comes to an end is very hurtful. Trying to do things that need attention for yourself during hurtful times would not be positive. I believe Honorable Richelle Montoya bravely, and superbly overcame the pain she had endured. Because now I see her with a happy face and always supportive of our blessing ways. So, I tell her: “Stay in there. No give up my child.”

I feel Navajo Nation President Honorable Dr. Buu Nygren had failed to recognize the humble teaching of what I mentioned about: listening, being concern, being respectful about woman having or going through ordeals of marital problems. This happens to us males too. The loneliness, the sadness, of separation and pain it causes.

However, I believe President Dr. Buu Nygren has all the grand ideals about a good resolve in efficient Navajo tribe operation.

Richard Anderson, the Blessing Way chanter
Crownpoint, N.M.

Navajo Scout Jeff King

Michael King, grandson of the legendary and revered Navajo Scout Jeff King. This gentleman has an interesting personal story as well, unique, and rather surprising. Seeking information about him, especially why he chose to move from New Mexico to Charlestown, Massachusetts, near Boston, and pursue a career one might never have expected him to follow.

In the course of developing a biography for the well-known Curator in marine transportation at The Smithsonian Institution, Howard Irving Chapelle (1901-1975) we discovered letters between King and Chapelle, wherein King inquired of Chapelle about the possibility of contracting with The Smithsonian to build scale models of ships.

At that time, there were few people in the USA who had attained the reputation for meticulous craftsmanship that described Mike King. We know that he was commissioned to build at least one scale model (1960), and probably performed repair and reconditioning work on many others. That model still exists in our National Watercraft Collection.

Part of Mike establishing his strong reputation was a model he built for a famous American movie and television star and commanded what was then an admirably high price. I have confirmed that the model still exists and remains in that family.

If you are in any way familiar with the life of Mike King, or are a descendant or immediate family member, please do contact me. I will be happy to share other details of how I came to know about Mike. Perhaps you know why he said he was a “full blooded Comanche, from New Mexico”?

Randle M. Biddle
Windship Studios
Star, Idaho


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Humidity: 11%
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Pressure: 30.13

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