Controller: 120,000 hardship checks mailed
Navajo Nation Controller Pearline Kirk announced on Tuesday that her office has sent out nearly 120,000 Hardship Assistance checks and another 80,000 checks were expected to be issued by the end of this week.
Checks are being mailed in batches of 20,000 to 25,000 due to capacity constraints. The controller’s office has already received confirmation from some members of the Navajo Nation who applied for the assistance (both on and off the reservation) that they have received checks in the mail.
Kirk also announced that there were 370 duplicate checks that were mailed out by mistake due to a “printer server failure” with the first batch of checks issued. She explained the controller’s office is in the process of contacting all individuals who were issued two checks, one in error, to let them know both checks will be voided and a new check will be reissued.
“These re-issued checks will be expedited to the affected members through overnight shipping services,” said Kirk said on Tuesday. “We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience and urge members that have received multiple checks to refrain from attempting to present one or both for payment.”
Those who receive two checks and try to deposit them could face “financial loss for the member or check cashing facility,” including returned check fees. Kirk said individuals who were sent a duplicate check will be contacted by the controller’s office. If a member feels they were affected by the error and has not been contacted by the controller’s office, they are urged to call the support center at 1-833-282-7248. Kirk acknowledged with the large volume of check printing occurring, there is always the risk of an error.
“All remaining check batches were re-checked to ensure this did not occur more than once,” she said. “In response, there have been additional quality control procedures put in place, including independent, triple checks of all batches processed through this automated process and retroactive audits of batches completed.”
Last week Kirk announced maximum payments being issued are in the amounts of $1,350 for adults and $450 for minors, which represents 90% funding of the CARES Act Hardship Assistance Program. “As such, each applicant will receive 90% of their requested amount based on their demonstrated need on their submitted application,” she said.
All Hardship Assistance applicants are asked to continue to be patient and allow time for U.S. Postal Service mail processing and delivery. Applicants are advised to wait three to four weeks before calling the support center to check on the status of a payment.
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