Bill Clinton talks diversity in Indian Country

Navajo Times | Donovan Quintero Former U.S. President Bill Clinton smiles to the crowd of cheering supporters while campaigning for his wife U.S. Presidential Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton on Wednesday at the Alamosa Community Center in Albuquerque. The New Mexico Primary will be held June.

Navajo Times | Donovan Quintero
Former U.S. President Bill Clinton smiles to the crowd of cheering supporters while campaigning for his wife U.S. Presidential Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton on Wednesday at the Alamosa Community Center in Albuquerque. The New Mexico Primary will be held June.
By Donovan Quintero and Bill Donovan
Navajo Times
Former U.S. President Bill Clinton was here Wednesday speaking at a community center on behalf of his wife Hillary Clinton, who is running in the Democratic primary for U.S. president.
Speaking to more than 200 supporters and various state Democratic leaders, Clinton talked about how Hillary Clinton would bring about prosperity to the American people.
The circumstances surrounding his presentation was in contrast to what occurred the day before when Hillary Clinton’s Republican challenger, gave his speech.
At the Clinton speech, no one had to be removed for protesting, the Albuquerque police did not have to deal with rowdy crowds outside and the audience listened respectfully and clapped without creating a ruckus.
Clinton also addressed Hillary Clinton’s Native American policy on how to bring up the quality of living on the nation’s Indian Reservations.
On those reservations that have no casinos, said Clinton, live “the poorest of the poor.”
But these reservations located west of the Mississippi River, the opportunity is there to create solar and wind energy that would not only supply their needs but would also provide energy that could be exported and bring in cash for the people.
“You can use it to diversify your economy,” he said. “We can empower our Native people in a way that would make us all stronger together.”
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