‘A dirty job’

Courtesy photo Neeko April Garcia, a silversmith from Shiprock, shows some of her work.
Female silversmith makes elegant jewelry to accentuate wearer
Neeko April Garcia, from Shiprock, was encouraged by her grandparents four years ago to learn silverwork.
At first, she was just beading coral and turquoise necklaces, which her customers liked because her designs were different.
“One day, my grandma and grandpa were telling me about how silversmithing runs in our family and how they wish that one of the grandchildren or someone would pick it up,” Garcia said. “I kind of just tested myself.”
This skill skipped a generation and Garcia decided she wanted to try her hand at it. At the time, she was living in Los Angeles working in the film industry. So, she got together what money she had and bought supplies.
“I instantly fell in love,” she said. “It was an escape.”
Garcia had left her job in the film industry and was going through a transitional period. Working on pieces was how she coped with her anxiety and depression.
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