Guest Column: Honoring MLK’s legacy

The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
By McKeon K. Dempsey
Miss Navajo Nation 2014-2015
Yá’át’ééh ałtaał’áásiiłgóó, shik’éí dóó shidiné’é, shihastóí, shizáanii. McKeon K. Dempsey dashijiní. Ádoone’é ígíí éí Kiiya’áanii Dine’é nishłí dóó Tsédeeshgiizhnii Dine’é bashíshchíín. Áádóó Tódích’íi’nii Dine’é éí dashicheii dóó Biih Bitoodnii Dine’é éí dahshinálí. Ákwót’áo Diné asdzání nishłí. Naabeehó Diné Bich’eeke’ 2014-2015 nishłí.
Yas Niłt’ees biyi’ji’ éí Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. binááhai dóó binaanish áyiilaaígíí yéénálniih. Binaalnish doo asohodoobéézhgóó nanitł’ah dóó binahchi’ t’áá ájíłtso yá’at’éehgo ádaaht’í. Nidi áłahji’ t’áá áníiltsoh t’ahdii saad yá’at’éehii bee yáłti’ dóó jooba’ hwii’ hólóogo hoł náás hózhóní yee’ dooleeł shik’éí dóó shidiné’é.

The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was one of the most prolific leaders of the civil rights movement. He is remembered as a non-violent activist who stood for peace and equality.
As we celebrate Dr. King’s birthday this year in 2015, we should honor his legacy and uphold his message in our hearts and in our day-to-day lives. He devoted his life to making positive change happen in communities regardless of gender, religion, or race. Many individuals and organizations continue to carry on the quest of Dr. King’s dream of equal rights for all. We too, have the opportunity to make a difference and allow our messages of equality, peace, and hope with great affirmation as we honor his legacy.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day is a day to remember and celebrate the foundation Dr. King set in place for all walks of life to live in harmony and to keep up with the cause to make each day a better and powerful day for communities and generations that are to come in the future.