Central Fair open; some venues change

Daniel Sandoval, 11, and his family, all from Tsaile, Arizona, make their way to their vehicle on a Saturday in August 2015 after competing all day in the Central Navajo Fair song and dance in Chinle. (Times photo – Donovan Quintero)
It will be the same events we all know and love, but some different venues this year at the Central Navajo Fair.
Most of the events will continue to be held at Gorman’s fairgrounds on the Nazlini road, but this year the Apache County building will be pressed into service for the baby contest, Lil Miss Central and Brave, and the Miss Central Teen pageant.
Two events not officially a part of the fair but looked forward to every year by the community are the baseball tournament and mud-bogging, and both of these have changed venue, according to Fair Board President Lorenzo Dineyazhe.
The mud bog will be three miles north of Chinle and the softball tournament will be across Highway 191 from the flea market. No further information was available on these events from the fair board.
Dineyazhe said the fair board continues to look hard for a permanent fair location more central to town, and may have found one for next year.
“We’re looking at the area on the southwest side of the hospital,” he confided. “We still have to sit down with the owners (grazing permit holders), but hopefully we can work things out with them.”
Theme for this year’s fair is “Honoring our Law Enforcement: to Protect and Serve,” and the Chinle Police District has been invited to choose a grand marshall for the parade, according to Dineyazhe. He said he is not aware who it is at this point.
Here’s the schedule. Note the baby contest has been changed from the previously announced 4 p.m. to 1 p.m.
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