Begaye, Nez preparing to take office Tuesday

As Russell Begaye and Jonathan Nez got ready for Tuesday’s swearing-in ceremony, their committees continued the process of going through the mountain of applications that the two have received from people wanting jobs in their administration.
Lynette Willie, Begaye’s spokeswoman, said that as the deadline approached for turning in applications on Monday, people were standing in a long line at the campaign headquarters to get their applications turned in on time.
Monday turned out to be an important day for Begaye and Nez since they were able to go about their business as certified winners of the special election for tribal president and vice-president.
In this election season with challenges being raised every step of the way that resulted in delays, there was a fear that the same thing would happened before the certification, which would cause a postponement in the swearing-in ceremonies.
That’s now off the table and Willie said everything is set for the swearing-in ceremonies to be held at noon Tuesday at the Window Rock Fighting Scots Events Center.
Unlike previous inaugurations, this one will be a low level affair– no major inauguration parties.
The day will begin at 8:30 a.m. with the opening of the doors. The Navajo Nation Band will begin playing at 10 a.m. and the festivities will begin at 10:30 a.m. with a passion and pledge of allegiance, followed by a welcoming speech by Speaker of the Council LoRenzo Bates.
After the swearing-in, which will be done by Navajo Chief Justice Herb Yazzie, Begaye and Nez will be giving their inauguration addresses.
There will be a luncheon served after the ceremonies, Willie said and after that, the two will be “going to work.”
There will be a special luncheon for state and federal officials who come to the ceremonies , she said. That’s being planned to take place at the Navajo Nation Museum.
Willie said there has been a lot of interest expressed by off-reservation media outlets to the new tribal president and vice-president.
A film crew from Tokyo was on hand this week when Nez attended a graduation ceremony at Pueblo Pintado and a crew from Britain has also announced it plans to be here for interviews as well, said Willie.
Begaye and Nez have been working long hours each day, she said, as have a lot of the volunteers who have been going through the resumes. Begaye and Nez have already started doing interviews but so far no appointments have been made but the two are hoping to make some before in the next few days, said Willie.
Edison Wauneka, director of the Navajo Election Administration, said a special election will have to be held to fill Nez’s vacant council seat but dates for the special election won’t be made until Nez officially resigns, which he can do up until 11:59 a.m. on Tuesday.
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