Quorum becomes hot topic

Special to the Times | Ray Landry
Eugenia Charles-Newton
Delegate Eugenia Charles-Newton, chair of the Law and Order Committee, is unhappy that her committee fails to meet quorum and asked for guidance on how to fix the issue.
In statements to the Naabik’iyáti’ Committee, Charles-Newton, who represents Shiprock, got her report on the committee’s agenda last Thursday and said the issue of not meeting quorum is a hindrance that has happened on many occasions. She said she knows other committees are dealing with the same problem.
“I feel like it’s an issue that needs to be addressed right away,” she said. “I’m asking you to help me understand what my responsibility is as Council. Perhaps I’m reading Title 2 differently.” Law and Order is one of five standing committees and, according to Title 2 of the Navajo Nation Code, if a delegate is absent for a certain number of meetings then the delegate’s seat can be considered vacant, said Charles-Newton.
“I’m very direct,” she said. “We are elected officials. We are the voice of our people, we are the voice of our agency and if we can’t meet quorum we lose out on providing the voice of our people.”
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