‘We work as a team’

Kites fly during the Kites in the Wind event held by the Family and Child Education (FACE) Program at Kin Dah Lichi’i Olta’ on Thursday. The FACE program encourages parent-child interaction through monthly activities. (Times photo - Stacy Thacker)
Kite-making project promotes parent-child interaction at KDLO

Kites fly during the Kites in the Wind event held by the Family and Child Education (FACE) Program at Kin Dah Lichi’i Olta’ on Thursday. The FACE program encourages parent-child interaction through monthly activities. (Times photo – Stacy Thacker)
As a light breeze swept through the softball field at Kin Dah Lichi’i Olta’, several parents helped their kids grip the strings to their homemade kites during the “Kites in the Wind” event last week.

Jaden Smith, 3, looks up as he navigates his kite during the Kites in the Wind event held by the Family and Child Education (FACE) Program at Kin Dah Lichi’i Olta’ on Thursday. (Times photo – Stacy Thacker)
The “Kites in the Wind” was an event held by the Family and Child Education (FACE) Program at Kin Dah Lichi’I Olta’ as part of its monthly parent and child involvement activity.
FACE Program Coordinator Rachelle Cleveland said they really encourage family involvement when it comes to early childhood education because according to studies, children who have more parent involvement in their education have a better chance at going on to college.
“Parents are focusing on their children’s education,” Cleveland said, and this program is working in partnership with the parents.
The “Kites in the Wind” event was part of the FACE program’s PACT (Parent and Children Together) time, which promotes parent and child interaction.
“We do a different variety of activities throughout the month, and this month we’re focusing on kites,” Cleveland said, adding that with the winds picking up, homemade kites seemed like the best activity the parents and kids could work on together.
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